Mediterranean Awards
In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.
This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world. Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).
30 October 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
During a ceremony held at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Tunis, international juries have assigned to S.E. Mohamed Zinelabidine - Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia - the "Mediterranean Award for Culture 2018".
The award was presented by the president Michele Capasso.
08 June 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
After a few hours from the concert at the San Paolo "PINO É", friends, fans and students have visited the "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT plunging into a sea of emotions.
Among the many, his daughter Cristina.
07 June 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
A few hours after the concert at the San Paolo "PINO E'", friends, fans and students have visited the "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT plunging into a sea of emotions.
Among the many, Coco Bucci, a music producer who came from Chicago who is moved reminding the fraternal friend Pino: he takes his leave by thanking President Capasso and the Fondazione Mediterraneo for having wanted to ensure "the continuity of having Pino always with us".
14 May 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
During a ceremony held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT, international juries awarded Ornella Vanoni the "Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity 2018".
Present at the ceremony ministers, ambassadors and representatives of international institutions.
Ornella Vanoni thanked the juries for this important recognition that honors her and expressed her sincere appreciation for the Fondazione Mediterraneo, for United States of the World and for the President Michele Capasso, author of the documentary "OrnellaVanoni: little enough" projected before the awarding of the Prize, present - among others - the Minister Dario Franceschini and the Naples Police Chief Antonio De Iesu.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded.
14 May 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
It is the docufilm, the emotional video created by Michele Capasso on the occasion of the "MEDITERRANEAN 2018 AWARD" awarded to Ornella Vanoni.
It is a synthesis of the artist's path leading the Italian song with some moments of the visit to the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the Mediterranean Award ceremony, received together with Minister Franceschini and the Questore De Iesu on May 14, 2018 in Naples.
14 May 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
During a ceremony held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the international juries assigned to Dario Franceschini – Minister of Culture and Tourism - the "Mediterranean Institutions Award 2018".
Present at the ceremony ministers, ambassadors and representatives of international institutions.
14 May 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
During a ceremony held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the international juries assigned to Antonio De Iesu – head of Police of Naples - the "Mediterranean Legality Award 2018".
Present at the ceremony ministers, ambassadors and representatives of international institutions.
07 May 2018
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Peace" To Emma Bonino for having dedicated her entire life to the values of freedom and social justice in defense of the fundamental rights of the human person. For having opposed those policies based exclusively on special interests and contrary to the Common Good. For having dedicated itself to the marginalized and the weakest throughout the world, making this action the center of its existence. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 24 november 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Poetry" On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th Anniversary of the Mediterranean Foundation, the International Committee has deliberated the award of the Mediterranean Award 2018 in favor of all the Israeli poets engaged in the promotion of a culture of peace. Naples, 11 november 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy and Development" The award was assigned Mohamed M. Abou El Enein for his efforts concerning the approximation of the Mediterranean peoples with regard to development; and exchanges. As an entrepreneur he is committed to valorization of the cultural and artistic heritage of Egypt and the countries Mediterranean waters of the South Bank. Naples, 09 November 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Culture" During a ceremony held at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Tunis, international juries have assigned to S.E. Mohamed Zinelabidine - Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia - the "Mediterranean Award for Culture 2018". Tunis, 30 october 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Istitutions" Naples, 14 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Art and Creativity" Naples, 14 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Raffaele Capasso for Legality" The award was assigned to Catello Maresca and his guys because he proves that there may be a different Naples that can give the chance to those who have none. His experience as a magistrate has fueled the belief that crime and the mafias can be fight also by helping the boys to be "hunters of the positive" and "producers of the future". Awarding CeremonyNaples, 05 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour for Legality" The award was assigned to Luigi Riello for his daily commitment against the Mafia and for the courage to speak the truth at the opening of the judicial year. His action is aimed at establishing the binomial "justice-legality" as the foundation of ethics in politics and society. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 05 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Omcom" The award was assigned to Cesare Sirignano for his silent and continuous commitment in facing the mafia not only in Campania but also in Tuscany without ever underestimating it. Naples, 05 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Peace Builder" The award was assigned to Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba in consideration of his career, his works, his poems and his various responsibilities that have always allowed him to defend a peaceful cohesion and mutual respect among peoples. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Culture" The award was assigned to Khalid bin Khalifa al Khalifa for his efforts concerning cultural diversity and interreligious dialogue. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Cultural Heritage" The award was assigned to Roberto Reggi for his efforts in the valorisation and redevelopment of Italian public real estate assets. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Innovation and Quality of Life" The award was assigned to Domenico De Masi, for his tireless and passionate research aimed at delineating transformations for a better future and to rebalance work commitments with the set of activities that enhance human existence. The intense and multiform action of Domenico De Masi is absolutely not due to a single disciplinary sector or national borders. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Architecture" Special Edition The award was assigned to Massimo Pica Ciamarra, for the utopian tension that projects and theoretical construction show, for the commitment in affirming a close relationship between formal expression and human behavior, for the generous contribution to a systemic vision in the processes of transformation of living environments. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Environment and Co-developpment" Naples, 03 May 2018 |