07 October 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Environment and Co-Development" to TOM FOX - 2013 American Environmentalist
The Environmentalist American Tom Fox, the "guru" who has turned the water front of New York, received from the hands of the President and the Mayor of Naples Capasso De Magistris the "Mediterranean Prize for 2013 to the environment." The ceremony was held at St James's Palace
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 9 November 2013
Mediterranean Award "Peace"
To Isola di Lampedusa (Italia)
For the high symbolic value, integration and coexistence with thousands of dispossessed - in search of dignity, life and future - with which the inhabitants of Lampedusa have twisted relationships of solidarity and friendship, creating a great hybrid of civilization. For the action taken in favor of human rights and the defense of the natural environment as a tool for dialogue and cooperation between peoples.
Awarding Ceremony Lampedusa, 01 july 2013
Mediterranean Award "Interreligious Dialogue"
In memory of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (Italy)
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini was certainly a bright star of the highest calibre whose genius enlightened the Church and illuminated the furthest horizon to embrace all humanity. He was able to talk to people from outside the Catholic Church, regardless of their faiths (Jewish, Protestant, Orthodox, Islam or even agnostic or atheist). He was a father of the Church and an illuminated Guide revealing universal truths and leading an exemplary life. He was not only an intelligent and learned scholar of biblical studies but also a passionate Evangelist who always steered clear of partisan interests, enlightening his fellow men with the warmth, love and truth that guided his choices. In a society that is still lost in the wilderness of material desires, his testimony was that of beauty, openness and nobility of spirit. He lived and taught us how to live and interpret our daily lives so that the Mystery of Life could be revealed to us.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013 |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition 2013"
To Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen)
President Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen) has been the architect of constructive dialogue in the fraught peace process between Israel and Palestine. Thanks to his commitment, together with that of the entire Palestinian population, he has succeeded in achieving the grant of Observer State for Palestine before the United Nations, laying down the foundation stones for statehood of the State of Palestine, so that it can be free to enjoy its own territory in a spirit of peace and cooperation with its neighbouring States. As an accomplished negotiator, he has taken dialogue beyond the confines of those involved the Peace Process itself, successfully advocating that the only way forward is through peaceful coexistence both in the Middle East and throughout the rest of the world.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 28 April 2013
Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy
In memory of Chris Stevens (USA) US Ambassador to Libya
For his innovative action in USA Mediterranean policy especially in Libya, where he was Ambassador. As an enthusiastic supporter of the Arab World, where he cultivated his love for Arabic and Muslim culture and society, he made every effort to accelerate the democratization process opening the door to freedom and justice. His premature death caused by a senseless act of terrorism that had nothing to do with the values of the Arabic and Islamic world galvanizes us in our efforts to accompany the Arabic countries on their difficult yet inexorable path towards democracy.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013
The “Rita Allamprese” Mediterranean Award for Children
To Tunisian National Organization for Infancy (Tunisia)
Founded on 21 May 1948, the Tunisian National Organization for Infancy (ONET) has enabled thousands of Tunisian children from poor families to benefit from support and recreational activities throughout the year. ONET has pioneered the establishment of Municipal Councils for Children and promoted the setting up of the Tunisian Youth Parliament, as well as developed links and friendly relations with numbers children’s, youth and cultural organization in Mediterranean and European countries. As a member of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), ONET defends the rights of children at national and international institutional levels.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013
Mediterranean Award for Institutions
To José Mujica (Uruguay) President of Uruguay
The President of Uruguay, José Mujica, is a virtuous example of dedication to the “Common Good” helping the most vulnerable and needy members of society. In a world that is increasingly mobbed by self–interest where every social, political and religious space abounds with “Love for Power”, he has been able to give a voice, sense and strength to the “Power of Love”. This means living humbly and showing through his acts that power need not change people, but can even reveal their deeper essence.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 28 May 2013
Mediterranean Award for Culture
Antoine Nasri Messarra (Lebanon) Professor- Journalist
An intellectual and a professor at several European universities, President of the Lebanese Political Science Association, through his many publications Antoine Nasri Messarra has promoted the dissemination of culture as a tool of dialogue and peace in the Mediterranean and throughout the world. His publications on Religion and Politics in Arab PoliticalSsystems (1993); the Democratic Construction (1995) and Tomorrow’s Citizen (3 vol.,1995-1998) are central to understanding cultural evolution in Arab countries. As a member of the Consultative Council of the Annan Lindh Foundation, he has laid down the guidelines of a new cultural challenge in the Arab Spring countries. His action is a point of reference for those who rely on culture for building democracy and a future for young people.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 05 April 2013
Mediterranean Award for Media
To Alessio Romenzi (Italy) War photographer – Reporte
For having contributed to the dissemination through his images of the truth of events in the tormented Mediterranean region. In particular, his reports from Syria have allowed us to comprehend the extent of the civil war which had become a crime against humanity. His concise reports represent a historic testimony, in order that we may “Never Forget” such great human tragedies and they serve as an example for those who wish to promote dialogue and peace.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013
Mediterranean Award for Cultural Heritage
To ICOMOS – Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti (Italy) The Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti (ICOMOS) is a global NGO whose mission is to promote, conserve, utilize and valorize monuments and sites. Thanks to its actions, the evolution and circulation of ideas promote a new sensitivity towards the use of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean and the rest of the world. Diversity, collegiality and impartiality are the fundamental values which lie at the heart of exchange between countries of the North and South throughout the world. Renewed solidarity channeled through young people will contribute to the indispensible process of sensitization and education towards the conservation of monumental heritage.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013 |
The "Raffaele Capasso" Mediterranean Award for Legality
To Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto (Italy)
For its activities in disseminating the principles of legality against any form of organized crime or criminal activity, especially in school and among young people. The Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto continues to apply the principles adopted by the renowned judge throughout his life and work by promoting initiatives and publications focusing on young people and preparing them to become the protagonists of the future based on the principles of sobriety, solidarity and deeply rooted in legality at all levels of society.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour for Architecture
To Filippo Cannata (Italy)
He has been incisive and profession in the execution of his architectural work as well as in his relationships with light.
His works, especially the "Light of the Mediterranean", are permeated with “Mediterraneanity” and combine the culture of architecture with rigour and lighting technology in compliance with the memory of place, the utility of spaces and the needs of individuals.
Awardin Ceremony Naples, 20 Decembre 2013
Mediterranean Award for Civil Society
a General Union of Cultural Centers GAZA – PALESTINE
For having contributed to integration and cooperation among young people in Palestine and other countries by undertaking precise actions to restore dignity and prestige to Palestine, as well as giving hope to young people for a future with peace, solidarity and mutual respect. Undertaking careful reforms for the inclusion of young Palestinians is just one concrete example of good practice.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 April 2013
Mediterranean Award for Energy and Sustainable Development
ENI is a total energy–based company committed to increasing its activities in research, transport, transformation and sale of petroleum and natural gas and its history is firmly rooted in the Mediterranean. Day after day, men and women from Eni continue to develop their passion for challenges, progress and excellence. Their fundamental values are directed towards people, the environment and integrity. This is why the Mediterranean Award for Energy and Sustainable Development has been awarded to Eni.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013
Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity
In memory of Lucio Dalla (Italy) Singer songwriter
His artistic temperament above all found its expression in the “Sea”, the Mediterranean, which he travelled upon so many times, and where he found inspiration for his most beautiful and universal compositions. The Mediterraneity of Lucio Dalla transpires and gathers force in a mix of sounds, cries, whispers, musical murmurs, verses, grimaces, warbling and emotions which are deeply touching, leaving a pallet of indelible colours that communicate in other languages whose origins are found in different cultures, traditions and faiths.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 March 2013
Mediterranean Award "Cinema" 2013
a Vincent Dieutre
Vincent Dieutre has lived in New York and Rome before turning to film. Author of numerous papers on the relationship between cinema and contemporary art, teaches at the Department of Cinema at the University of Paris VII. From filmmaker explores the "boundary between documentary and fiction-car."
The Mediterranean Foundation attributes this recognition for having created a poetic and personal humanist, able to reinvent itself in the writing of loneliness, separation and folding, compensating in this way to be perceived by the Other human need to feel alive. The film is Dieutre first word, a word that fills and customize anonymous rooms in a hotel as entire cities.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 05 october 2013
The Mediterranean Cinema Award
a “Deda” (waiting for mum) to Nana Ekvtimishvili
At the Trieste Film Festival, with whom the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been collaborating since1995, the 2013 Mediterranean Cinema Award for the best short film was awarded to “Deda” (Waiting for Mum) by Nana Ekvtimishvili. The film focuses on a man’s voice calling his mother and was awarded by a jury of young people.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 26 January 2013
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour
To Nicola Parisi (Italy) Mayor of Buccino
For having contributed to the creation of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples of the World, which was erected in the town of Buccino (Antica Volcej).
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013 |
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour
To Giosuè Starita (Italy) Mayor of Torre Annunziata
For having contributed to the creation of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples of the World, which was erected in the city of Torre Annunziata.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013 |
The Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for Social Services
to Istituto Professionale “Morvillo Falcone” di Brindisi Preside Rosanna Maci ITALIA
The Mediterranean Foundation gave the Institute the award in memory of the student Melissa Bassi brutally murdered. The President of the Institute, Rosanna Maci, expressed his recognition for this award and his personal admiration for the work done in recent years by the Fondazione Mediterraneo, adhering to the plan drawn up by the latter to achieve the "Totem of Peace" Brindisi, dedicated to Melissa Netherlands.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013 |

The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour
In memory of Melissa Bassi (Italy) Student
The Fondazione Mediterraneo decided to award the Medal of Honour of the “Mediterranean Award 2013” to the memory of Melissa Bassi and dedicate the “Totem for Peace” to her memory. Lest we forget!
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013

The Mediterranean Award for Social Solidarity
a Associazione Jerry Essan Masslo (Italy) President Renato Natale
For their efforts to integrate migrants in the geographic area of Agro Aversano and for their commitment to civil action for the promotion of fundamental rights and asserting social justice. The association was founded in memory of a south African immigrant who was killed in Italy and it bears testimony to the civil commitment against any form of abuse of power in affirmation of the rights of the most vulnerable in our territory where the Camorra is rife.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 04 January 2013
Mediterranean Award “Memoriae”
To Raffaele Arcella (Italy) Lawyer
For having shared his testimony of the horrors of the holocaust with young people by narrating stories of the closed prison from his book “Frammenti” and for having dedicated his life to inculcating a sentiment of peace and dialogue in young people. Lest we forget one of the largest tragedies of humanity.
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 17 January 2013
Euromed Award a House of Tales and Music Jordan
La House of Tales and Music (Jordan) rappresentata da Rabeea Najm Al-Din Al-Naser è il vincitore dell’Euro-Med Award 2013-2014. La Cerimonia di assegnazione si è svolta a Vilnius presenti i Capofila delle 42 Reti Nazionali della Fondazione Anna Lindh ed ha visto la partecipazione di Andreu Claret, Direttore della Fondazione Anna Lindh, e di Michele Capasso, Presidente della Fondazione Mediterraneo che hanno consegnato il riconoscimento a Rabeea Najm Al-Din Al-Naser.
Awarding Ceremony Vilnius, 23 November 2013