Since the beginning Fondazione Mediterraneo payed attention to audiovisual works and in particular to the sponsorship of young Euro-Mediterranean directors. Since 1996 it collaborates with Alpe Adria Cinema in the organization of the Triestefilmfestival, the Cinema of Central and Eastern Europe, assigning every year the International Award "Laboratorio Mediterraneo" and the Mediterranean Cinema Award to the best short-film in contest. Since 2001 it collaborates with the Napolifilmfestival in the organization of this independent film festival.
Moreover the Fondazione was the main actor of two important cinema projects co-financed by European Union:
CINEMAMED The project, coordinated by the Fondazione, within the framework of “Euromed Audiovisual” (MEDA) Programme, has carried out a Travelling Mediterranean Cinema Festival, as well as high level training courses for professionals related to the cinema (“Aristote” Programme). The project has achieved so far the following results: 10 festivals organised in 10 Euro-Mediterranean cities; 69 films shown to the public; 60,000 viewers; 12,000 students involved; 12 debates involving film-makers and the audience; 380 articles published on newspapers; 54 television reportages; 25 partners and 18 countries taking part in the project; 6 “Aristote” seminars held, resulting in training 22 scriptwriters; 18 scripts worked out; 2 retrospectives of Salah Abu Seif organised in Naples and Bologna; publication and circulation of 4,000 copies of the catalogue “The Cinema of the Arab-Mediterranean Countries”, 3,000 copies of the book “Il Cinema di Salah Abu Seif”, 3,000 copies of the book “Le cineteche dei Paesi Arabo-Mediterranei” and, finally, the award of the “Mediterranean Award” to Naguib Mahfouz.
EUROMEDCAFE The EuromedCafé program created by Fondazione Mediterraneo, has renewed and strengthened dialogue and cultural exchange between European and Mediterranean people. The Fondazione has encouraged mutual understanding through images and "up-close films" just as one would see via the web, speaking honestly about the difficulties our societies face. Thanks to the European Commission support, the Fondazoine Mediterraneo has accomplished with two goals: 1. Launching the short film competition “Another Look” and the music competition “Other Songs” centered on intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. First of all, EuromedCafé is a forum of images and sounds: each year, thanks to these two competitions, Fondazione Mediterraneo selects shot films and music on the topic described above Short films and movies can be viewed at www.euromedcafe.org 2. In addition to these competitions the Fondazione Mediterraneo has created a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas, a space were to meet and debate, a public Euro-Mediterranean place. EuromedCafé gives civil society, intellectuals and authors the opportunity to speak about their truth and their point of view and to develop dialogue.