Mediterranean Awards

In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



During the Yacht Med Festival were conferred the Mediterranean Award "Energy and Sustainable Development" 2010 to Ministro dell’Ambiente Stefania Prestigiacomo instituted starting from this year by the Fondazione Mediterraneo together with the Chamber of Commerce of Latina.

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On April the 12th, in the Vesuvio Hall at Fondazione Mediterraneo (Via Depretis, 130 - near Municipio Square), Ursula Plassnik, Austrian Foreign Minister (2004-2008) received the “Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy 2009-2010”.

The jury
conferred, unanimously, the award to Minister Plassnik for promoting the Euro-Arab dialogue through diplomatic initiatives that may constitute a coalition of shared values and interests fully involving civil society.



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The Fondazione Mediterraneo granted Mediterranean Award Art and Creativity 2010 to Maestro Roberto De Simone.

Theater director, composer and musicologist, De Simone has given an exemplary contribution to the history of lyric art and of the arts of entertainment, especially as manager of San Carlo Theater of Naples. His primary aim was to valorize and repropose the cultural, theatrical and musical heritage of the popular tradition of Campania, both oral and written. The popular repertoire is not reproposed in an arbitrary way, it rather relies on systems related to culture, such as for instance writing and metrical elaboration.

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Inside the Trieste Film Festival, with which the Fondazione Mediterraneo collaborates since 1995, it has been assigned the Mediterranean Award Cinema 2010 to the best short-film in contest.
The winner is VARIÁCIÓK (VARIAZIONI by Krisztina Esztergályos, Ungheria, 2009, DigiBeta, col., 28´, v.o. ungherese.


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The Mediterranean Award for Solidariry 2010 has been delivered to the Association "A Ruota Libera" during a Ceremony at the Rai Auditorium in Naples.

Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the neapolitan association for the promotion of an innovative center for recreational activities for inabled young people and for the project "La Casa di Tonia".



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The Mediterranean Award for Culture 2010 has been assigned to Università Telematica "Pegaso" during a Ceremony at the Rai Auditorium in Naples.

Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned this award to Università Telematica Pegaso for being a focal point and for its innovation in international research and for being an instrument to promote dialogue among civilizations.

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The Mediterranean Award "Silver Dolphin" 2010 has been assigned to the memory of Gennaro Pompilio, Coordinator of Vesuvius Tour Guides.

Fondazione Mediterraneo delivered this award to the memory of a man who remembered us that words are not enough, we need facts. His love for Vesuvius and tourism showed us how to promote peace and respect with concrete actions.

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Combatants for Peace is the winner of the Euromed Award 2009, bestowed on September 21st in Stockholm, on the occasion of the Forum "Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges", organized by Anna Lindh Foundation and Fondazione Mediterraneo.

Combatants for Peace is a civil movement jointly established by Palestinian and Israeli individuals, it has gained recognition for promoting a peaceful and right solution to the conflict through dialogue and non-violent means.

History in Action,
a group of 55 transnational and inter-ethnic team of historians and history educators from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia who succeeded in overcoming ethnic, religious, linguistic divisions in order to elaborate a common history textbook for the region, received a special mention.

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