25 March 2013
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
Dear Members and Friends,
As you undoubtedly already know, from 21-25 May, in the splendid location of “Forte Marghera”, positioned between earth and water, where the lagoon bathes the Venetian peninsula:http://www.fortemarghera.org/fortemarghera/ the initiative known as “the five days for the Mediterranean Communities” will take place. This is an ideal setting in which we can hold our General Meeting.
In addition to our General Meeting, we have decided to offer two technical seminars dedicated to European funds for culture and fund-raising tools in a virtuous public-private partnership to relaunch culture in our country and for Mediterranean partnership actions (attached an updated draft programme).
In order to organise this important commitment in the best possible way, we have launched a crowdfunding initiative by opening two internet spaces where donations can be made. We have asked Municipalities, Provinces, Regions and Universities to donate significant amounts taking into consideration the economic problems affecting all of us. However, we believe and hope that our joint General Meeting and the 5 days all together will be worth a small investment in the future.
We are asking all members of the network to donate at least Euro 100 to organize and disseminate among our own shareholders and friend the attached text (crowdfunding files) and to insert it in their own web pages and on social networks the are members of. This is urgent, important and significant.