Euromed Award 2009 (EN)

The theme chosen for this year's edition is "Intercultural Dialogue for Peace and Coexistence".

All the organizations of the 43 Countries that are members of the Union for the Mediterranean were invited to nominate individuals and organizations which carried out actions connected with the theme proposed.

Combatants for Peace is the winner of the Euromed Award 2009, bestowed on September 21st in Stockholm, on the occasion of the Forum "Restore Trust, Rebuild Bridges", organized by Anna Lindh Foundation and Fondazione Mediterraneo.
Combatants for Peace is a civil movement jointly established by Palestinian and Israeli individuals, it has gained recognition for promoting a peaceful and right solution to the conflict through dialogue and non-violent means.

History in Action, a group of 55 transnational and inter-ethnic team of historians and history educators from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia who succeeded in overcoming ethnic, religious, linguistic divisions in order to elaborate a common history textbook for the region, received a special mention.

Awarding Ceremony
Stockholm, 21st September 2009

Euromed Award 2008 (EN)

This year the Award is dedicated to the theme of "Dialogue through Arts", and in particulart to visual arts as drawing, painting, photography and sculpture. The great news for this edition was that the members of National Networks had the possibility, not only to propose candidates, but also to elect the winner of the Award voting on-line.

Rima Maroun (25 years old Lebanese) is the winner of this edition. Maroun is a photographer who believes that “dialogue starts by the way we look at each other”. Her most famous work of art Murmures is a reflection on the choice of the perspective given or not to the audience. 

As for the 5 runners-up, they are (in descending order):
· Abed Abdi (Palestinian Photographer),
· Ramzi Harrabi (Tunisian Painter, Poet, Singer),
· Katja Schaefer (German Artistic Director),
· Marcel De Munnynck (Belgian Photographer),
· Atilla Durak (Turkish Photographer).

The Awarding Ceremony took place during the first meeting of the ALF Advisory Council, held in Naples on September 26 and 27, 2008.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 26-27 September 2008

Euromed Award 2007 (EN)

This year, the Award is dedicated to the theme of “Women and men hand in hand for gender equality

The Winners were chosen by the Anna Lindh Foundation Heads of National Network of the 37 Euro-Med Countries during an election round which took place last July. 

Mrs. Rodi Kratsa Tsagaropoulou and Mr. Jan Willems are the ex aequo winners of the Second Edition of the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures 2007
The Winners have been working at two different but equally important levels in favour of women empowerment: Mr. Willems at the grassroots level, through his artistic talent and activities; and Ms. Kratsa at the institutional level – promoting equal opportunities policies in the European Parliament and in the Euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.

An honourable mention is given to the three runners-up who are:
- Ms. Wassyla Tamzali, a renown writer and activist for women rights (Algeria),
- Professor Hanna Herzog, Researcher on gender, religion and politics and Professor of Sociology at Tel Aviv University (Israel),
- Ms. Mahassen El Emam, General Manager and Founder of the Arab Women Media R&S Center (Jordan).

The Award will consist in a trophy bestowed during a prestigious ceremony, and in the winners´ participation in several activities of ALF Networks, both in Europe and in the Mediterranean partner countries.


Awarding Ceremony
Cairo 26 November 2007

Euromed Award 2006 (EN)

The Mediterranean Prize, called Euro-Mediterranean Prize for dialogue between cultures, was launched in 2005 as special category of the ‘Mediterranean Award’ created in 1997 by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in partnership with the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures.

Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, representing the Monastery Mar Musa (Syria) was awarded ”for its contribution in promoting mutual respect among population believing in different religions and creeds.” Deir Mar Musa is a religious community founded by father Paolo Dall’Oglio in 1991. Its aim is to establish and keep up positive relations between Christians and Muslims. In the community there are men and women coming from different countries and having different faiths who live the mutual experience to share the richness of their diversity through dialogue.

The 5 candidates were selected by the jury among many nominations proposed by the leaders of the 35 national networks of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation “Anna Lindh.”

A “special mention” was given to the other 4 finalists for their commitment in promoting dialogue . They are: Crossing Borders (Denmark); Assia Djebar (Algeria); Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Jordan); Daniel Barenboim (Spain).

The winner will receive the prestigious Prize during the Meeting of the Leaders of the National Networks of “Anna Lindh” Foundation, which will be held in Tampere (Finland) on the 26th and 27th November 2006.


Awarding Ceremony
Tampere 26th November 2006

1st International Peace Workshop - The Theatre of the Oppressed

Within the context of the works of the International Peace Workshop held in Naples from 15th through 17th October, the participants, ex combatants and non-violent activists, took actively part in the session focusing on the Theatre of the Oppressed: a theatrical method elaborated by Augusto Boal, using theatre as a means of knowledge and as a language.
The aim was to deepen the reflection on the role that practices based on dialogue and non-violence can play for conflict resolution, both in case of armed conflicts and in case of social, ethnic or political conflicts where violence is raging.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were presented to communication experts from Arab countries.

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1st International Peace Workshop – Supporting dialogue through non-violence

The Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture held in Naples the first edition of the International Peace Workshops entitled ‘Supporting dialogue through non-violence. From clash to reconciliation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region´.

Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo illustrated aims and contents.
Guest Speakers: Gianluca Solera (Anna Lindh Foundation), Paolo Beni (Arci), Flavio Lotti (Local Communities for Peace), Miralem Tursinovic´, Bosniak, ex combatant from Ngo Youth Resource Centre of Tuzla; Nouraldin Shehada, Palestinian, from Combatants for Peace; Gerard Foster, Northern Ireland, Catholic, from Teach Na Failte; Itamar Feigenbaum, Israeli, from Combatants for Peace and others, who confirmed the importance of this seminar where ex combatants met for the first time to speak and construct peace.

The workshop falls within the framework of the activities promoted by the Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture of Fondazione Mediterraneo, in order to prepare the Universal Forum of Cultures to be held in Naples in 2013.

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1st International Peace Workshop – Working Groups

The Fondazione Mediterraneo held in Naples the first edition of the International Peace Workshops from 15th through 17th October.

The 3 days of seminars were organized in Working Groups where the participants, ex combatants and non-violent activists, related and shared their experiences with the aim to create a network in Europe and in the Mediterranean for mutual support and exchange between social organizations and ex-combatants for reconciliation, non-violent conflict resolution and justice.

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Press Conference Introducing the International Peace Workshops

On 14th October was held in Rome, at the Farnesina, the Press Conference introducing the International Peace Workshop, action organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture, together with "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and ARCI, in association with the movement Combatants for Peace and with the National Coordination of Local Communities for Peace and Human Rights.

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Silver Dolphin

Corrado Beguinot - 2012

Per aver, nel suo lungo percorso, dedicato la propria vita alla ricerca scientifica ed alla sperimentazione progettuale nelle tematiche della pianificazione urbanistica territoriale, sfociate, a livello internazionale, all’ideazione e promozione della città europea interetnica cablata.
Con la Fondazione Aldo Della Rocca rappresenta il precursore della nuova era interetnica cablata quale base della Pace nel mondo in cui tutti i popoli della terra, fraternamente uniti, saranno ritenuti “Un solo Popolo in una sola Città”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 3 September 2012

Alessandro Ortis - 2012

Professionista e uomo che si è dedicato e si dedica, con convinto impegno, nel promuovere istituzioni, organismi ed iniziative di particolare importanza per una sempre più avanzata collaborazione e coesione tra i Paesi del Mediterraneo.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 21 november 2011

Senen Florensa Palau - 2011
Direttore dell’Istituto Europeo per il Mediterraneo

Per aver contribuito, prima come Ambasciatore e poi come Direttore dell’Istituto Europeo per il Mediterraneo di Barcellona, a promuovere i valori del dialogo e della pace nella regione euromediterranea, difendendo le buone pratiche nel Partenariato Euromediterraneo.
Per questo motivo la Fondazione Mediterraneo, con l’Accademia del Mediterraneo, ha attribuito a Senen Florensa Palau il Premio Mediterraneo “Delfino d’Argento” 2011.

Awarding Ceremony
Barcellona, 07 october 2011

Emanuele Vittorio - 2011
Medico Odontoiatra

Per la sua azione in favore del bene comune, attraverso il puntuale e rigoroso esercizio della professione di medico-odontoiatra.
Per la competenza attiva, la solidarietà ed il non arrendersi di fronte a difficoltà per altri insormontabili.
L’attenzione verso le persone indigenti e la sua continua ricerca su tecniche mediche d’avanguardia hanno assicurato la risoluzione di problemi complessi restituendo dignità e qualità della vita, con un occhio di riguardo ai più bisognosi.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 23 september 2011


Il Bagno Elena costituisce un simbolo ed un’eccellenza per Napoli, l’Italia e il Mediterraneo.
Nasce a Posillipo, dove la storia millenaria delle Grandi Culture umane ha fatto intrecciare la filosofia con la spiritualità. Grazie all’impegno attivo e silenzioso di Giovanni Morra e dei figli Mario e Antonella, il Bagno Elena – con le Terme Pausylia – costituisce un luogo unico e prezioso per il benessere e la qualità della vita: è l’esempio di una famiglia che crede nella rinascita dell’imprenditoria napoletana e che, con la sua dedizione al mare, prosegue la tradizione degli stabilimenti balneari su palafitte. Questa azione meritevole è di esempio per la rinascita turistica di Napoli e per la conservazione della “Risorsa Mare”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 23 september 2011

Alla memoria di GUIDO GRIMALDI
Fondatore e Presidente del Gruppo Grimaldi, ITALIA

Per aver contribuito attraverso la diffusione dei collegamenti marittimi e delle “Autostrade del Mare” – nel Mediterraneo e nel Mondo – a promuovere con lungimiranza quel “meticciato di civilta`” che e` alla base dello sviluppo condiviso e della pace. Per questo motivo la Fondazione Mediterraneo, con l’Accademia del Mediterraneo, ha attribuito alla memoria di Guido Grimaldi il Premio Mediterraneo “Delfino d’Argento” 2011.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 20 May 2011

H.E. Mgr. Rocco Favale - 2010
Bishop of Vallo della Lucania, ITALY

His commitment to promote peace among peoples and strengthen solidarity in Cilento area are fundamental pillars of his action. He has the merit of allowing the realization of the monumental work “Totem for Peace” by Rutino Cathedral.


Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 13 June 2010

Sergio Piazzi - 2010
Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, ITALY

His commitment and passion aiming at strengthening the role of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) are unanimously recognized. Thanks to his commitment, it has been possible to harmonize the role of the Parliaments of Mediterranean Countries making them accept a shared view, especially about the values and fundamental rights of the human person.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 13 June 2010

to the memory of Baltasar Porcel - 2010
Writer, journalist and literary critic, SPAIN

World-famous writer, acute and determined journalist, in his works Baltasar Porcel has told today’s society with precision and irony. Founder and director of the Catalan Institute of the Mediterranean he has turned his deeply Mediterranean culture into a political action, thanks to which Catalonia, Barcelona and Spain have been able to take on a first-rank role in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 13 June 2010

to the memory of Gennaro Pompilio - 2010
President of Vesuvius Tour Operators, ITALY

A man who reminded us that words alone are not enough. His love for Vesuvius, as pioneer of tourism and coordinator of Vesuvius Tour Operators, show us how it is possible to promote peace and mutual respect through positive actions.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2010

to the memory of Ahmed Jebli - 2009
President of the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, MOROCCO

History has known more than one person who, though without media renown, have played an extraordinary role in the events that mark the life of a State. Ahmed Jebli belongs to this gallery, for the contribution given to the promotion of knowledge and culture, especially in the academic field. The themes he envisaged have a high vision of education, always overcoming the borders of class and belonging. Ahmed Jebli‘s action falls within this framework, always aiming at understanding the reasons “of the other” and at developing friendship among the peoples of the Mediterranean. He was a reference point for the Fondazione Mediterraneo that wishes to pay a tribute to him by this acknowledgement.

Awarding Ceremony
Marrakech, 4 June 2009

Abdelwahed Radi - 2007
President of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and President of the Moroccan Parliament, MOROCCO

He is a great supporter of the Barcelona Declaration and, in particular, of the necessity to strength Euro-Mediterranean relationships. A defender of democracy, he voted his life to create a new humanism in order to transform the Mediterranean, through the promotion of dialogue, into a democratic area of knowledge and mutual respect.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 5 July 2007

to the memory of Manuel Vazquez Montalban - 2004
Writer, SPAIN

A great Spanish writer, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán told the story of today’s society with irony and acumen through his main character: Pepe Carvalho. He was among the first to join the Fondazione Mediterraneo and this acknowledgment is not meant to be an institutional award, but rather a great warm remembrance from his “Mediterranean family”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2004

Raffaele La Capria - 2003
Writer, ITALY

His work represents a long meditation on the missed occasion of the single being and of the entire history, also an emblem of the Mediterranean, which from the missed occasioons is still tragically constructing its present.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 28 May 2003

to the memory of Federico Bugno - 2003
Journalist and writer, ITALY

Federico Bugno produced some of the greatest journalistic pieces with his strong reportages, showing that in order not to succumb to globalisation, journalism had to be “democratised”. He belongs to one of the last “big ones” who flies high; from Tiananmen Square to the Berlin Wall and to Sarajevo.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 June 2003

to the memory of Izet Sarajlic' - 2003

A man who showed us that literature in itself would not be enough. His teachings and his works encourage us to promote, peace and reciprocal respect through concrete actions.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 June 2003

to the memory of Marcello Gigante - 2002
Professor, expert in papyrus, ITALY

In the transformation period started after the second world war, Marcello Gigante, Iike Carducci in his time, gave voice to the relation between ancient culture and modern conscience, reconsidering the text of Herodotus and interpreting the historical lines of the classic world in the mark of the Nomos Basileus, the sovereignty of the law. Translator of Diogenes Laertius and Director of the collections “La Scuola di Platone” and “La scuola di Epicuro”, he deepened the study of ancient philosophy, in particular of Epicurus and Philodemus of Gadara, through the study of Herculaneum papyri. His essays on Leopardi, Settembrini, Quasimodo and on the classical culture of the period between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are focused on the relation between ancient and modern time. He was editor of “Parola del Passato”, director of the “Studi di Filologia Classica”, National President of the Italian Association of Classical Culture. His publications, more than 700, have always contained highly significant descriptions and views. Among his works, it is worth remembering: “Le Elleniche di Ossirinco”, “Nomos Basileus”, “Civiltà delle forme letterarie nell’antica Pompei”, “Classico e mediazione”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2002

to the memory of Paolo Bufalini - 2002
Senator of the Italian Republic, ITALY

History has known more than one personalities who, though without media renown, have played an extraordinary role in the political events that mark the life of a State. Paolo Bufalini belongs to this gallery: for the contribution given during the 30’s to the creation of one of the most important and active anti-fascist groups, the Roman one, also because he gathered young intellectuals who later on played an important role on the political and intellectual scene of the post-war period, for the contribution given to the Italian resistance in Yugoslavia; as animator, after the liberation, of the Autonomist Southern Movement, in Sicily and in the South, struggling for Agrarian Reform and modernization of the Country; as a strong and wise mind In the action for the renewal of P.C.I., the unity of the left party, the convergences among all democratic forces. He dealt with all these issues with a high vision of politics, always overcoming the class and party borders, like a Cavour-style statesman. This is the framework in which falls the exceptional work made by Bufalini in drafting a foreign policy of détente, of understanding of the other’s reasons, of friendship among the peoples of the Mediterranean; the activities aiming at guaranteeing religious peace and Improving relations between the Italian State and the Vatican, through the renewal of the Concordat. And he did so as a laic, persuaded that only a lay State and the respect of the religious conscience of the Individual and of the communities can defeat the fundamentalism that has blooded the word for centuries, until today. Bufalini was also a serious specialist in Greek and Latin and a careful and acute translator of Horace, thus telling us that the mingling of culture and politics is vital and necessary to make noble and effective public commitment, to improve one’s country and the mutual knowledge of peoples.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2002