
Since 1994 the Fondazione Mediterraneo carried out an intense publishing and multimedia activity in many languages in order to promote, testify and spread shared values of different cultures in the Greater Mediterranean.  
Hundreds of volumes have been published in different thematic series of books by Fondazione's publishing house Magma and by other qualified publishing houses.

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Izet Sarajlic, Preface by Predrag Matvejevic. Edizioni Magma – FLM Naples 1996 (It.) format 17x24 - pp. 136 - ISBN 88-8127-014-5

The pages presented here were published during Sarajevo siege. In Il libro degli addii (The Book of Farewells), the poets tells what had been most precious for him in his lifetime: it is a farewell to his numerous friends and enemies. Proper nouns become a metaphor, keys for understanding the book. This log-book written by a shipwrecked person includes many episodes, each summarizing a story. The author observes not so much the war but rather life during war: in the end, life will prevail but black dreams will last over time, maybe unforgettable.

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Domenico D'alessandro. Edizioni Magma - FLM Napoli 1994 (it.) 13x21 - pp. 184 - ISBN 88-8127-001-3

Gaetano Filangieri has the ability to be a teacher without ostentation, to move things with the strength of his own ideas, to teach with the example of his life. He puts into practice his assumption that "The philosopher must be the apostle of truth and not the inventor of systems". The saying that: "everything is said is the language of those who do not know anything to produce or who do not have the courage to do so". He is convinced that "if the lights he spreads are not useful for his century and for his homeland, they will be useful for another century and for another country". He manages to be "a citizen of all places, a contemporary of all ages, the universe is his homeland, the earth and the school, his contemporaries and his posterity are his disciples".

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Francesco Alberto Caracciolo. Edizioni Magma - FLM Napoli 1995 (it.) 13x21 - pp. 112 - ISBN 88-8127-002-1

In these pages Caracciolo flies, touching, writes, describes, sweeps across the universe, swoops down. He cuts, severs history, men and their works. He takes off again, higher and higher ... in the hope of discovering the relativity of everything. He walks the paths of fantasy traveling in the immensity of thought, crossing that of creation. Everything is rediscovered in the dimensions of Lilliput. Divinity itself is seen in the image of a God who reveals himself as the God of only 120 universes. The man who is in man emerges. It is a push to think, to dare.

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Proceedings of the 5th Study-Meeting “Lorenzo Vivaldo”, Savona, 10-12 October 1997. VV.AA. edited by Michele Brodino, Edizioni Magma – FLM Napoli 1996 (It.), format 17x24, pp. 68 – ISBN 88-8127-024-2

This book gathers the proceedings of the Meeting organized through the general and scientific support of the International Association SECUM (Science, Education et Cultures en Méditerranée) and the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo. The reflection proposed starts from the analysis of the religious dimension as humanitas and, of course, from the presence of the three most widespread monotheistic religions in the Mediterranean region. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been present for centuries in the Mediterranean, but can we, men of the 21st century, affirm that there has been true and mutual knowledge and dialogue among these religions? Or have we just seen a lot of fights following one another, which have prevented us from knowing each other and having a dialogue as free men? These are the questions raised during the Meeting and to which the Catholic, Jewish and Muslim lecturers tried to give an answer.

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Predrag Matvejevic,pictures by Alberto Ramella, prologue by Czeslav Milosz, epilogue by Josif Brodskij, Edizioni Magma – FLM Naples 1995 (It.) format 17x24 – pp. 124, colour ill.  – ISBN 88-8127-004-8

A diary started with the war, grown up along with it as annotation. It is the book of an involved man, who talks with passion and reflection about the country where he was born and the people he had lived with; a book that develops, across the different chapters, from foreboded symptoms, uncertain worry, astonished incredulity towards unsatisfied search of remote and recent causes, trying to find an answer in the present time and an explanation in history that can enable us to understand the reason of such dullness and cruelty.

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Federico Bugno, preface by Predrag Matvejevic, postface by Adriano Sofri. Edizioni Magma – FLM Naples 1998 (It.) format 17x24 - pp. 258; ISBN 88-8127-018-8

The war in ex Yugoslavia and the dramatic Sarajevo siege related by one of the most important journalists. Federico Bugno, correspondent of the weekly magazine « L’Espresso », followed Balkans’ events all along – from Belgrade to Zagreb to Bosnia to Bihac to the Pope’s visit – and they are reported in this book in their original version, enriched with a series of notes, that re-examine these events « a posteriori », with the benefit of hindsight. And indeed the book shows clearly that, to a careful observer, the risks of a terrible and criminal conflict were evident since the beginning of the crisis.
In his articles, Federico Bugno denounces the passive attitude of the Great Western Powers and of the United Nations which had not been able to stop the war ; but, above all, he goes in search of the true Sarajevo, the city exalted by the cruel siege lasted 1,300 days and that the whole world has come to know. A city which has not been subdued by the war but has started to change (worsening) just with the start of the peace process, established by Dayton’s agreements.

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Barcelona, 29th – 30th November and 1st December 1995. VV.AA. Edizioni Magma– FLM Naples 1997 (It.) Format 17 x 24 – pp 434 – ISBN 88 – 8127 – 011 – 0

This book is meant to be a “radiograph” of the Mediterranean. On November 29th – 30th and December 1st 1995 was held in Barcelona the Fórum Civil Euromed. For the first time more than one thousand representatives of the Civil society, coming from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries and European Union met, in order to establish a permanent space to develop dialogue and cooperation.
The Euro-Mediterranean Conference, called by the Spanish Presidency of the European Union before the Fórum, laid the political foundations of this process. This book summarizes the Fórum contents as well as the projects worked out in order to realize the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

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