08 October 2008
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Maison des Alliances (EN)
The Union des Jeunes Euro-Maghrébins (UJEM) and the Federacion Asociaciones de Jovenes Emprendedores de Castilla y Leon organized the 4th edition of the Euromagrebin Forum of Youth in Miranda de Ebro (Spain).
Fondazione Mediterraneo partecipated with a relation of the President Michele Capasso who attented a round table with Ismail Alaoui, President of Progress Party and Moroccan Socialism, and Carmen Romero, President of Circulo Mediterraneo.
At the end of the Forum, young people drew up a formal document for the creation of the“Maison des Alliances” in Naples at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo. The “Maison des Alliances” should be a symbolic place where to gather up informally decisors and organizers of different International bodies to realize common actions, to avoid waste of resources.
Other suggestions adopted:
- the organisation of the Second Euromagrebin Caravan of Youth;
- the launch of Euromagrebin Show of public sector in Tangeri;
- the creation of a Euromagrebin Radio for young people;
- the organisation of the next edition of the Forum in Naples, at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo.