Kimiyya ||Le Donne Attrici del Dialogo (EN)
Women Actress of Dialogue
The Joint Action “KĪMIYYA: Women Actress of Dialogue”, conceived and organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and 12 Anna Lindh Foundation National Networks adhere to it: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Mauretania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Tunisia.
The action aims to gather and deepen the work done so far by formulating concrete recommendations and operational guidelines
Women are the main “promoters” of connections between civil societies: by supporting their training, education and access to new tools and modern digital technologies, it will be possible to facilitate the intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region, reduce migration and address the causes of conflict.
The name KĪMIYYA has been chosen because in the ancient languages of Mediterranean culture (Aramaic, Arab, Greek and other languages), it means “to embrace”, “melt”, “put together”, “meet”, “share” and “mix”.
12 September 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)
26 HofN of as many Mediterranean Euro countries participated in the “Meeting of Headsof the National Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation (FAL)”. On the agenda:
- the situation of the FAL and relations with the Secretariat of Alexandria;
- the discomfort created in the Italian network after the discussion about the duration of the mandate of the Leader “Fondazione Mediterraneo” expiring in September 2018.
On the first point, it was decided to write first to the Secretariat and, in case of non-compliance with the requests, to the European Commission.
On the second point, the Leaders unanimously wrote a letter to the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting respect for the choices of the Italian Network and confirming that they did not recognize and did not cooperate with a designated and non-democratically elected leader. To this end, together with members of the Advisory Council and representatives of international organizations, they signed an appeal addressed to the Foreign Minister and the President of the Italian Republic.
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12 September 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)
The General Assembly of the Italian Network - attended by members of the “RIDE-aps” and members of the “Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation” - devoted a session to the analysis of the situation engendered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) with the letter of 18 August 2017. In it, a new leader of the “RIDE-aps” was appointed to replace the Fondazione Mediterraneo, elected as such by the General Assembly of 11 September 2015 and with anexpiring mandate set for 11 September 2018 (as confirmed by MAECI by letter of 23.11.2015).
Members unanimously expressed their dismay at this decision and sent a letter to the Minister Alfano with a proposal of a mediation with twoleaders.
The representative of “CO.PE.A.M.” - Ms. Paola Parri, - declares "to have confirmed the membership of CO.PE.A.M. to the RIDE association and that this does not conflict with the status that the CO.PE.A.M. he is a member of the FAL Italian Network (see signed minutes, page 12).
This was the unanimous opinion of the 26 members of the National Network, many of them members of the FAL Advisory Council and representatives of international organizations who sent a letter and an appeal to the Minister Alfano.
The lawyer responsible for the Italian Network Dr. Salvatore Calleri - President of the Caponnetto Foundation - sent a letter to the Minister requesting the implementation of the only possible solution.
In order to facilitate this solution - the appointment of two leaders, one "RIDE – aps” and the other “Anna Lindh Italy Onlus Federation”, with the allocation of resources at the “RIDE- aps” alone - the General Assembly, legitimately constituted and legitimately deliberating, has approved new "Internal Rules" that allow the immediate implementation of the proposed solution.
The General Assembly of the “Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation” met on August 28, 2017.
Many members of the Italian Network have expressed the intention to write autonomously to Minister Alfano. Details in the attached documentation.
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11 September 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)

International Conference.The International Conference was held in Naples at the Museum of Peace - MAMT:
Created and organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - head of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (FAL) - in collaboration with the National Networks of France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mauritania, Algeria, Albania, Tunisia, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Malta and Lithuania, this event brought together the leaders of the National Network of the FAL in Naples, representatives of 42 countries and international experts to discuss the importance of women in the process of dialogue, integration and acceptance of the others.
The President of the Republic assigned to the event the “MEDAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC”.
The event was held under the auspices of the European Union, the Chamber of Deputies, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, the Campania and Emilia Romagna Regions, the MunicipalityofNaples, the CONI, the Maison de la Méditerranée, the Arab Maghreb, House of Peace and Maison desAlliances.
The international conference is led by a "Comité de pilotage" formed by the leaders of 12 Euro-Mediterranean countries meeting in Naples from 12 to 15 July 2017 for the organization and contents of the event.
Great satisfaction from the women and the 150 participants in the most important initiative for women.
This was the occasion:
• 6 workshops on the main issues related to women;
• 1 training seminar on European programs that was wholeheartedly supported by the participants;
• The award ceremony of the “Mediterranean Prize for Women 2017”;
• The National Network Assembly with the participation of the leaders;
• The General Assembly of the Italian FAL Network.
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08 September 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)
Si è svolta a Sousse l’azione interrete (CNA) della “Fondazione Anna Lindh” coordinata dal capofila “We love Sousse” diretta da Anis Boufrika.
All’evento hanno partecipato i capofila di vari Paesi ed il direttore esecutivo della FAL amb. Hatem Atallah.
A conclusione vi è stato un passaggio di testimone con la CNA “Kimiyya” inaugurata il gorno dopo a Napoli proprio con “La dichiaraizone di Sousse”
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05 September 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)
During the intercultural action “The Intercultural Cities”, the Fondazione Mediterraneo presented the internetwork“Kimiyya. The Women Actresses of Dialogue” and the project “The Cities of Dialogue”elaborated by the “Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation”.
The project has gained the membership of the leaders of the National Networks of the FAL and was illustrated by prof. arch. Luciana De Rosa.
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03 September 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)

Apply now to participate in the Anna Lindh Foundation cross-network activity on the theme of "intercultural cities" with ALF civil society members from at least 7 Euro-Med countries (Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Israel).
The Forum will focus on the following 4 themes:
- Civil society and municipalities working together
- Urban stories and narratives
- Migration: reshaping our society
- Generations, education, memory and heritage
The programme includes thematic plenary sessions, good practices sharing, networking fair, cultural events, etc.
Flight and accommodation are covered by organisers.
Among other things, the Secretary General of the Mediterranean Union Fatallah Sijilmassi spoke. On this occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo presented the interplay "Kimiyya. The Women Actresses of Dialogue "and the project" The Cities of Dialogue "elaborated by the" Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation ". The project gained the membership of the leading national Networks of the FAL and was illustrated by Prof.arch. Luciana De Rosa.
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28 August 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)
The General Assembly of “ANNA LINDH ITALIA ONLUS FEDERATION” met in Naples for the urgent analysis of the situation created after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) sent the letter of 18 August 2017 with which a new head of the “RIDE-aps” was appointed, replacing the Mediterranean Foundation, elected in this role by the General Assembly of September 11, 2015 and with an expiring mandate on 11 September 2018 (as confirmed by MAECI by letter of 23.11.2015).
Members unanimously expressed their dismay at this decision and proposed a mediationwith the designation of two leaders, and detailed the work carried out in the attached minutes.
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16 July 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)

The members of the Steering Committee of the inter-network action Kīmiyya, Leaders of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Lithuania, Malta, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain, and TunisiahonoredMichele Capassoamong the founders of the ALF, for the unchanged passion, the generosity and the warmth he always reserves for all ALF events.
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14 July 2017
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Kimiyya (EN)
The Leaders of the National Networks of France, Spain, Malta, Algeria, Albania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mauritania, Tunisia, Lithuania, and Czech Republic visited the Peace Museum, MAMT and expressed great appreciation for this initiative and the commitment of President Capasso to represent and support the Anna Lindh Foundation.
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