Kimiyya ||Le Donne Attrici del Dialogo (EN)

Women Actress of Dialogue

The Joint Action KĪMIYYA: Women Actress of Dialogue”, conceived and organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and 12 Anna Lindh Foundation National Networks adhere to it: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Mauretania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Tunisia.
The action aims to gather and deepen the work done so far by formulating concrete recommendations and operational guidelines
Women are the main “promoters” of connections between civil societies: by supporting their training, education and access to new tools and modern digital technologies, it will be possible to facilitate the intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region, reduce migration and address the causes of conflict.
The name KĪMIYYA has been chosen because in the ancient languages of Mediterranean culture (Aramaic, Arab, Greek and other languages), it means “to embrace”, “melt”, “put together”, “meet”, “share” and “mix”.


Senator Emma Bonino has signed the manifesto "Kimiyya" in defense of women's rights, expressing appreciation for this important action of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, coming from 4 continents and representing the "Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences AUXILIUM", represented by the principal Sister Pina Del Core and the Superior of the new Vice Province, Mary Mother of the Church, Sr. Maria del Carmen Canales Calzadilla, have signed the Kimiyya Manifesto for the defense of women's rights.
The FMA Sisters expressed their admiration for this initiative of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and for the manifesto already signed by Mother Superior Yvonne Reungoat.

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