The Fondazione Mediterraneo supports, shares and disseminates the "Save the fraternity" appeal written by a group of theologians and theologians summoned by Mons. Vincenzo Paglia and Mons. Pierangelo Sequeri. It is an appeal to the Church in all its components, and to the wise men and women of good will.
It is an appeal to be confronted with, not simply an analysis to be accepted or rejected. It is not a "directory" of theses to which one is asked to adhere, but a "repertoire" of themes on which it seems decisive to reflect and discuss.
The appeal stems directly from the provocation of the encyclical of Pope Francis Fratelli tutti. The proposal is to gather the profound meaning of this definitive provocation - addressed to a Church urged to open up and to a world tempted to close itself - by inaugurating the climate of an "intellectual fraternity" that rehabilitates the high sense of "intellectual service" of which the professionals of the culture - theological and non-theological - are indebted to the community.
President Capasso congratulated the authors of the document