OMCOM||Osservatorio sulle Mafie (EN)


La Fondazione Mediterraneo e la Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto hanno costituito l’OMCOM – OSSERVATORIO MEDITERRANEO SULLA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA E LE MAFIE – che si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano.

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On Remembrance Day, President Capasso and other members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo referred to the initiatives of the Fondazione over the past twenty years aimed at keeping alive the memories of the past especially for future generations about one of the greatest tragedies that has beset humankind.

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Upon receiving a copy of the book “Molinari – the Sculptor”, the Honorary President of the Fondazione Caponnetto, Elisabetta Caponnetto – widow of the Judge who founded the “pool” – recognized the values of legality and sobriety her husband  shared with the sculptor  Mario Molinari as expressed in his works of art.
During her visit, Pia Molinari presented Mrs. Caponnetto with a book about the works of the renowned sculptor and the “Totem for Peace”, which Mrs. Caponnetto placed among her  mementos of her husband.

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The Honorary President of the  Fondazione Caponnetto,Elisabetta Caponnetto – the widow of the Judge and founder of the  “pool” – received the  “2013 Raffaele Capasso Mediterranean Award for Legality,  which consists in a replica of the “Totem for Peace” by Mario Molinari.
Michele Capasso and  Pia Molinari were attending on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, while Salvatore Càlleri and other members of the Fondazione Caponnetto attended on behalf of their organization. Elisabetta expressed her joy for this prestigious acknowledgment stating that “the work of her husband had not been in vain, because of people like President Capasso, who continue to dedicate their lives to legality and the Common Good”.
On that occasion, Pia Molinari gave Mrs Caponnetto the “Totem for Peace” by Mario Molinari, which she place among her most treasured mementos of her husband.

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At a meeting between the Fondazione Mediterraneo – represented by Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari – and the Fondazione Caponnetto – represented by Salvatore Calleri and Elisabetta Caponnetto, the majors steps for the establishment of the Mediterranean Observatory on Mafias and Organized Crime (MOMOC) were analyzed.

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At the XVIIIth edition of the Epiphany Concert held at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples on 4January 2013, the Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the 2013  “Raffaele Capasso” Mediterranean Award for Legality to the Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto. The President of the Fondazione, Salvatore Càlleri,  expressed his gratitude for the Award and personal appreciation for the work carried out by the Fondazione Mediterraneo by becoming a member of the project to set up a “Mediterranean Observatory on Mafias and Organized Crime”.


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