OMCOM||Osservatorio sulle Mafie (EN)


La Fondazione Mediterraneo e la Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto hanno costituito l’OMCOM – OSSERVATORIO MEDITERRANEO SULLA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA E LE MAFIE – che si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano.

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Great success for the initiative of OMCOM - Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and Mafia - held at the Chamber of Commerce of Syracuse to fight organized crime and mafias and for security in the Mediterranean.
The event was introduced by the lawyer Elena Giampapa, organizer and Omcom contact person, who explained the need to raise public awareness of safety issues in the Mediterranean not only at European level, but also at national and above all at local level, involving competent representatives on various aspects related to the topic.
The greetings of Mons. Salvatore Pappalardo Archbishop of Syracuse were followed by the speeches of the speakers. Senator Giuseppe Lumia and On. Sonia Alfano through a careful analysis have pointed out the difficulties of the European Union and the problems concerning the situation in the Mediterranean. The President of the Red Cross highlighted the work carried out by the volunteers, while Dr. Giuseppe Vitale, of the Caponnetto Foundation, focused on how the area is the crossroads of economic, energy and commercial interests.
Of great interest also the interventions of the Police Forces and the Carabinieri Corps involved in front line in the control of the territory and in the management of migratory flows. The work was coordinated and concluded by Dr. Salvatore Calleri, President of the Caponnetto Foundation, who stressed the need to change the economy and focus on the interest of the population, keeping the founding values of the European Union high.
Appreciation for the work carried out by the Caponnetto Foundation and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, creators and founders of OMCOM.

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On May 23rd 2016, Day of Legality, OMCOM - Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia, created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Fondazione Caponnetto - commemorates the XXIVth Anniversary of the Capaci massacre (May 23rd 1992) in which Judge Giovanni Falcone, Francesca Morvillo and their escort agents died.
On the occasion of this day, OMCOM intends to remember all the victims of the mafia who have sacrificed their lives in order to build a better society, with justice and legality.
The school - underlines President Capasso - has a central task in the fight against crime and mafias, fighting fear and working in function of a concrete education to respect social rules and laws. In this regard, schools of every order and level are invited to sensitize students so that there is not only remembrance, commemoration for their own sake, but that it is a stimulus for reflection on what has happened and the reasons that have led to its tragedy. Every school educational community becomes a sentry of legality: the suburbs through school institutions can become a bulwark of responsible citizenship. It is important that the memory be followed by meetings, seminars and training interventions that can help the new generations to develop a critical awareness in interpreting reality and guide them in their choices, starting from the simple contexts of everyday life, towards legality, because "everyone can play their part, for large or small alike.
Rai Scuola remembers with a special one those tragic days on the occasion of the Legality Day 2016.

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The Mediterranean Observatory on organized crime and the Mafia (OMCOM) - created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Fondazione Caponnetto - reiterates the imperative urgency of planning concerted action and shares the dell'OMCOM lines and various documents written on the subject, such as sen. Giuseppe Lumia of 11/16/2015: "Paris the time of projects after anger and fear".
After Paris, Brussels.
The continuing slaughter.
Other families torn apart by grief.
Anger and fear again invade our hearts and our minds.
At each massacre the indignation wave salt.
The more you remain helpless, the more you tergiversa, plus there lingers in half measures, this wave more likely to fall on Europe and do untold damage to our way of thinking and living the everyday life.
It 'time to real and profound choices, systemic and integrated. In essence, the project activity can not wait any longer.
Only then anger and fear can contain and transform into positive energy, capable of attacking the root Islamic terrorism and beat Isis strategy and of all forms of terrorism related to it.
The investment in security and, especially, in culture is no longer be postponed.
The left soon become free from prejudice safety, the right not to think that culture is a luxury for the few.
The measures to be taken in these areas can not be bland to the point of acting as mere "palliatives".
Europe does not want to change its nature must still change itself.
Stand still and be lulled into the idea of ​​being a civilian and democratic continent, passively waiting for the "virus" of terrorism that is battering us walk spontaneously is wishful thinking.
Just think of the limitations that characterize the decisions taken on the issue of immigration is wrong and impractical to abandon those people on the margins of our borders or service without a real reception and integration policy. repeated limits with the agreement made with Turkey.
Who has a terrorist or a criminal profile of life is certainly rejected, others beyond whether they are refugees or not are welcomed in a regulated way.
At the same time it is necessary to intervene in neighborhoods at risk of all the cities of Europe. Attention, we do not think that there is only Molembeek in Brussels where Salah Abdeslam was hidden for months and months.
All cities in Europe have ghetto neighborhoods, some even for several years.
As it is often the case for internal decisions to Europe in foreign policy - to Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, several other countries in Africa, Afghanistan - we have an act contradictory, cynical. Essentially any "strong country" of the European Union is playing his game, even petty, outside of a vision and a common act.
If Isis is the "evil" everything else is solved and stabilized rallying all possible energies.
In short, it is time to act with a strong planning, broad alliances, global visions and with their feet firmly planted in our territories, to change the course of history with intelligence: between tradition and innovation.

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The presentation of the book “L’Acquila e la Piovra” by Gianni Palagonia took place in the Italian Embassy in San Marino. The book is a cruel portrait of Albania and links between Albanian and Italian mafia.
The initiative is promoted by OMCOM – Mediterranean Observatory about Organized Criminality and Mafia – and the journalist Paolo Borrometi, the president Salvo Calleri, and the president Michele Capasso joined. After the greetings of the Ambassador Barbara Bregato – at the presence of the State Secretary for Culture Giuseppe Maria Morganti –have been analysed the relationship between Albania and Italy.
The president Capasso talked about his experience in Balkans since 1964 and analysed the Albanian role in Europe and Mediterranean.

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