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Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo visited Positano after 30 years (he is among the authors of the Hotel San Pietro in Positano) and promoted the project of the Totem for Peace, by the sculptor artist Mario Molinari, to be implemented all over the world.

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On the occasion of the starting of activities of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" the work by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari "Totem of Peace", symbol for the peace in the world, was unveiled.

A red sail, symbol for journey and union, chosen by 187 countries in the world as an image of dialogue and union, created and made by the sculptor of colour, Mario Molinari. The work is displayed on the terrace of the Maison de la Paix, but soon it will also be at the Museo Diocesano in Naples, at the Theatre of San Carlo and in more meaningful places too.

Maurizio Poletti, CEO of Akzonobel attended the ceremony and confirmed his company committment as technical sponsor for the "Totem of Peace in the World".

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From today onwards, peace has its own address: Via Depretis, 130, in Naples, headquarter for the Fondazione Mediterraneo and now for a great action for peace too: the Maison de la Paix.

And the Maison de la Paix could not but have one symbol: the Totem of Peace, the icon for the peace in the world. A red sail, symbol for journey and union, chosen by 187 countries in the world as an image of dialogue and union, created and made by the sculptor of colour, Mario Molinari. The work is displayed on the terrace of the Maison de la Paix, but soon it will be also at the Museo Diocesano in Naples, at the Theatre of San Carlo and in more meaningful places too.

In the ancient building of the former “Grand Hotel de Londres”, gathered around the “Totem of Peace”, ambassadors and representatives from supporting countries, members of International organizations and institutions officially started the activity of the “Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture” with an important debate “Middle East: which dialogue for which possible peace”.

Several messages supported the opening of the “Maison de la Paix”: from the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to Msg. Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, from the Advisor of the King of Morocco André Azoulay, to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Jordan Wijdan Al-Hashemi, from the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean to Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies.

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On the occasion of the starting of activities of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" the work by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari "Totem for Peace", symbol for the peace in the world, was inaugurated.

A red sail, symbol for journey and union, chosen by 187 countries in the world as an image of dialogue and union, created and made by the sculptor of colour, Mario Molinari. The work is displayed on the terrace of the Maison de la Paix, but soon it will also be at the Museo Diocesano in Naples, at the Theatre of San Carlo and in more meaningful places too.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo supported the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue among Cultures”, on the occasion of the year 2010 proclaimed by United Nations “International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures”.

The event was arranged by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in cooperation with the Theatre of San Carlo, signer of a memorandum of understanding that includes this event every year.

The Concert has grown internationally for the dialogue and peace, for its combination with “Mediterranean Award”, considered today as one of the most world wide renowned acknoledgments and for the unveiling of the “Totem for Peace" by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari.

The Concert programme envisaged the presence of great artists coming from different Euro-Mediterranean Countries. It aimed at making Naples and the Theatre of San Carlo the “symbol place” in which the identities and cultures of the Mediterranean Sea meet and join thanks to the music.

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