All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

During a meeting with Ida Collu, President of the National Body for the Deaf and Urbano Stenta, functionary of the Foreign Office, cooperation with the Fondazione Mediterraneo was agreed upon for the creation of a Union of the Deaf in the Greater Mediterranean and for holding the Summit of the Deaf of the Mediterranean, in Naples, with the objective of creating Mediterranean solidarity.

The FONDAZIONE MEDITERRANEO convened its executive board in special session to launch an appeal to the international community to do something to stop the massacre of defenceless civilians in Libya, in order to affirm the values of dignity, human rights and democracy.

Libyan armed forces are using machine guns and fighter planes against demonstrators pro-democracy: thousands of them have been killed and many buried under the sand of Mediterranean beaches; without a prompt international action the repression could turn into a bloodbath.

The European Union and the Security Council of the United Nations met to approve resolutions on Libya. They condemned violence and will be responsible not only for the implementation of the no-fly zone and the naval embargo, but also for attacks on the ground carried out to protect civilians.

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The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of Regione Puglia was held at Vernole. On that occasion – in the presence of Piera Raimondi, assistant of the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

The Institute of Mediterranean Cultures of the Province of Lecce, Teatro Astragali and Euromed Agency for Cultural heritage, have put forward proposals to improve networking synergy.

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From a study carried out by "Think Thanks", a research and communications company lead by Lucio Iaccarino, and published in the newsletter "Grazie del Pensiero", the Fondazione Mediterraneo, together with the Fondazioni SUDD, Mezzogiorno Europa, IDIS-Città della Scienza and Teatro San Carlo, were in the first 5 of Naples City and Province, from 183 accredited organisations, for transparency, content and interactivity.

A result - claims President Capasso - made possible by the strong interaction with the territory which, since 1998, has seen the setting up of thematic bureaux developing the partnerships between the collectivities of Naples and the Province and the Euromediterranean countries.

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