All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The President of the Anna Lindh Foundation and Advisor to the King of Morocco André Azoulay visited the Museum MAMT accompanied by President Capasso.
It is excited in the section dedicated to Raffaele Capasso and one dedicated to Arab culture.
During his speech recalled the importance of this place and the visits of Presidents Palestinian Arafat and Abu Mazen as a significant moment in the international role of the Foundation.

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It has been held at Fondazione Mediterraneo the Opening Conference of events for the tenth anniversary of Anna Lindh Foundation with the partecipation of all institution authorities: 42 Ambassadors members of the Governor’s board, Consultative Committee and National Networks Leader.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo has illustrated the programs for young people involved in intercultural dialogue, including through the new means of information and communication.

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In occasion of events for the 10 years ALF, under the presidency of André Azoulay, from the Foundation’s Consultative Board Anna Lindh (FAL) and it have been talked about the Foundation’s future. The President Michele Capasso in its speech highlighted the RIDE role as an example of good working practice. Capasso remembered Consultative Board had its first meeting in the headquarter of Consultative Board and it has been launched the proposal to open the board of ALF at Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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