Fondazione Mediterraneo, with its networks and members of International Coommittee is engaged in help to populations victims of the earthquake in Nepal. Also other national and international ngo are engaged in the help of Nepalese population affected by the tragedy. Some of them are already active there, other are coming but they have big problems at reaching the place in order to give first necessity aids as water, food and medicines.

It is possible to help with donations through these organizations:

  1. FONDAZIONE LABORATORIO MEDITERRANEO - Onlus: bank transfer to: NAMED TO: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo - Onlus; BANK: Monte dei Paschi di Siena;
    IBAN: IT 61 P 01030 03400 0000 6321 4234 - BIC: PASCITMMNAP - CAUSAL: Nepal Emergency
  2. ITALIAN CARITAS. Offers to be send through  Postal Current  Account N. 347013 and specifying in the causal: "Asia/ Nepal Heartquake". For other link for donations:
  3. International Movement of Red Cross and Half Moon through ITALIAN RED CROSS: bank transfer to bank account IBAN code: IT19 P010 0503 3820 0000 0200 208, named to "Croce Rossa Italiana, Via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma" c/o Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Filiale di Roma Bissolati Tesoreria - Via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Roma. Causal"Emergenza terremoto Nepal 2015"(For donations from abroad code BIC/SWIFT: BNL II TRR);
  4. UNICEF and WPF ITALIA created a solidarity number. Call 5596 it is possibile to donate 1 euro from mobiles and 2 euro from land phone;
  5. SAVE THE CHILDREN. It is active the free number 800988810 for donations;
  6. Donations to ASIA are possibile through bank transfer to ASIA onlus (IBAN: IT 27 M 01030 72160 000000389350 - SWIFT BIC: PASC IT MM XXX - Causal: NEPAL emergenza terremoto Bank: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena).
    This is possible through postal currency account with donation with postal form: con bollettino postale: ASIA Onlus – Currency account number: 89549000
  7. AGIRE – It is possible to give help to Nepalese population with SMS  45591, donations  1 euro from mobiles and 2 euro from land phone. It will be open until the 10 of May. It is possible to support AGIRE also through these channels:
  • Free number 800.132.870
  • On-line:with credit card, Paypal or PagoInConto (for clients of Intesa Sanpaolo) on the website
  • Banca: with bank transfer to currency account IBAN: IT79 J 03359 01600 100000060696 to AGIRE onlus, at Banca Prossima, Causal: “Emergenza Nepal”

Post Office: with bank transfer to postal currency account number n. 85593614 or  postal postale al seguente IBAN: IT 79 U 07601 03200 000085593614, to AGIRE onlus, Via Aniene 26/A - 00198 Roma, Causal: “Emergenza Nepal”.