Casa del Maghreb Arabo (EN)
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The Casa del MAGHREB ARABO is a place for dialogue in the heart of Naples and it is open to all actors from civil society from Maghreb Arab countries. It carries out activities to promote the value of different cultures and knowledge by nurturing traditions, practices and customs so European and Maghreb Arabic peoples can grow closer to one another. Moreover, it facilitates cooperation between academic institutions and research centres so that knowledge can be continually updated and so that joint initiatives can be undertaken to overcome prejudice in addition to disseminating innovative thinking and scientific inventions.
Every year, the Casa del MAGHREB ARABO organizes the ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: a global event specially organized for the Maghreb Arab region, at which the cultural and environmental heritage and wealth of the Arab Maghreb countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia will be presented and publicized, thanks to the contribution of institutional partners. Each year, the forum focuses on a specific country. |
26 July 2012
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: House of the Arab Maghreb
The Arab Maghreb Ambassadors Mohamed Mellah (Algeria), Naceur Mestiri (Tunisia), Hassan Habouyoub (Morocco), Moctar Ould Dahi (Mauritania) visited the “Casa del Maghreb Arabo" where they were welcomed by the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and members Claudio Azzolini, Pia Molinari, Vittorio Di Pace and Caterina Arcidiacono. On that occasion they signed the the Commemorative Pergamen together with the Mayor de Magistris and President Capasso, handing over their respective national flags that were raised on the roof of the "Casa del Maghreb Arabo". |
25 July 2012
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: House of the Arab Maghreb
Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, Direttore Generale dell’ALECSO (Organizzazione della Lega Araba per la cultura e l’educazione), ha visitato la "Casa del Maghreb Arabo". In una dichiarazione rilasciata ai media a conclusione del soggiorno ha espresso il proprio compiacimento e il plauso per la "Casa del Maghreb Arabo" in nome dei Paesi aderenti alla Lega degli Stati Arabi. |
25 July 2012
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: House of the Arab Maghreb
Habib Ben Yahia, Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union and one of the most renowned Maghreb politicians was a guest at the “Casa del Maghreb Arabo". In a press statement released at the conclusion of his visit, he expressed his appreciation for the uniqueness of the “Casa del Maghreb Arabo” , which is an essential instrument for cooperation between Italy, Europe and the Arab Maghreb. |
20 July 2012
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: House of the Arab Maghreb
Il 26 luglio 2012, alle ore 17,30, il sindaco di Napoli Luigi de Magistris ed il presidente della Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso hanno inaugurato l'INFOPOINT "MED IN NAPLES": uno spazio informativo del Comune di Napoli e dell’intera regione – sito al piano terra dell’edificio dell’ex “Grand Hotel de Londres” (Via De Pretis, 128 Napoli) dove vengono presentate le eccellenze del territorio nei vari ambiti ed il programma “Saperi e Sapori del Mediterraneo”. Sono intervenuti alla cerimonia il Segretario dell’Unione del Maghreb Arabo Habib BenYahia, il Direttore Generale Alecso Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, il Ministro Pl. dell’Ambasciata d’Algeria Mohamed Mellah, l’Ambasciatore di Tunisia Naceur Mestiri, l’Ambasciatore del Marocco Hassan Habouyoub, l’Ambasciatore di Mauritania Moctar Ould Dahi, i rappresentanti della Libia, del corpo consolare di Napoli, il Sindaco di Minori Andrea Reale (che ha diffuso i prodotti eccellenti della “Costa d’Amalfi”), autorità civili, militari e religiose, esponenti del monto scientifico e culturale dell’Italia e dei Paesi del Maghreb. |
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19 July 2012
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: House of the Arab Maghreb
At the seat of the CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO in Via Depretis, 130, Naples, the acting Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella, MEP, received the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Institutions”. President Michele Capasso, the Director of Institutional Relations, Claudio Azzolini and Board MEmber, Roberto Caselli attended on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo. This award is acknowledged to be one of the most prestigious international awards alongside the Nobel Prize and was awarded to Pitella “for having contributed through his actions to the reaffirmation of the founding values of the European Union, based on a confederation of States and capable of forming common policies”. Vice President Pitella had a preview visit to the seat of the ASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO – to be inaugurated on 201. Ambassadors and other leading figures from the 5 interested countries will be attending: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania. “This is an important initiative at such a political and historical time”, he declared, “because it gives Naples and Italy and essential role in building dialogue and cooperation. It represents a huge challenge but at the same time it is a unique opportunity for the Arab Maghreb and for Europe. Thanks to the support of politicians and leading personalities from the worlds of culture and science, as well as the twenty-year experience of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Naples will become a centre and a space for dialogue and Euro-Maghreb cooperation”. |
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19 July 2012
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: House of the Arab Maghreb
The acting Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella, MEP, together with President Michele Capasso and Claudio Azzolini, MP, had a preview visit to the CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO, which will be officially inaugurated on 26 July 2012, Among others, the opening ceremony will be attended by the Ambassadors of 5 interested countries: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania.
“I am amazed by the work carried out by President Michele Capasso, exclaimed the Vice President, because it gives Naples, Italy and Europe an essential role in dialogue and cooperation. It is a major challenge but at the same time it is a unique opportunity for the Arab Maghreb and for Europe. With the support of politicians, male and female personalities from the world of culture and science, who have been collaborating with the Fondazione Mediterraneo for more than twenty years. Naples will become a centre and a space for dialogue and Euro-Maghreb cooperation”. Pittella commented on the noteworthy book in the following manner: “Backing Euro-Mediterranean future both necessary and essential for both shores despite being difficult, critical and impervious. Many mistakes have been made including by we Europeans. Numerous difficulties continue to persist notwithstanding the fact that the Arab Spring has laid down the political and social conditions for strengthening cooperation in every field and for launching a Euro-Mediterranean community policy and in relation to which the Arab Maghreb constitutes and fundamental pillar. We need to believe in this and fight for its with all our might as people like President Michele Capasso have been doing in a determined and coherent manner for years”. |