The Federazione Anna Lindh Italia, not-for-profit, shares the aims of the Anna Lindh Foundation: created in 2004 by the European Commission together with the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries.
The Federation's objective is to promote, support and implement the cultural and social interaction between Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean countries in various fields of action including: art, architecture, archaeology, environment, crafts, youth, women, human rights, migrants, crafts, employment, training, education, education, childhood, sports, interreligious dialogue, legality, music, food culture, empowerment, tradition, tourism, social solidarity, exchanges.
In particular, the Federation intends to implement initiatives in favour of young people, especially aimed at restoring their hope and confidence through the promotion of the "true",the "beautiful" and the "good”

Within the context of the works of the International Peace Workshop held in Naples from 15th through 17th October, the participants, ex combatants and non-violent activists, took actively part in the session focusing on the Theatre of the Oppressed: a theatrical method elaborated by Augusto Boal, using theatre as a means of knowledge and as a language.
The aim was to deepen the reflection on the role that practices based on dialogue and non-violence can play for conflict resolution, both in case of armed conflicts and in case of social, ethnic or political conflicts where violence is raging.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were presented to communication experts from Arab countries.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture held in Naples the first edition of the International Peace Workshops entitled ‘Supporting dialogue through non-violence. From clash to reconciliation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region´.

Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo illustrated aims and contents.
Guest Speakers: Gianluca Solera (Anna Lindh Foundation), Paolo Beni (Arci), Flavio Lotti (Local Communities for Peace), Miralem Tursinovic´, Bosniak, ex combatant from Ngo Youth Resource Centre of Tuzla; Nouraldin Shehada, Palestinian, from Combatants for Peace; Gerard Foster, Northern Ireland, Catholic, from Teach Na Failte; Itamar Feigenbaum, Israeli, from Combatants for Peace and others, who confirmed the importance of this seminar where ex combatants met for the first time to speak and construct peace.

The workshop falls within the framework of the activities promoted by the Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture of Fondazione Mediterraneo, in order to prepare the Universal Forum of Cultures to be held in Naples in 2013.

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On 14th October was held in Rome, at the Farnesina, the Press Conference introducing the International Peace Workshop, action organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture, together with "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and ARCI, in association with the movement Combatants for Peace and with the National Coordination of Local Communities for Peace and Human Rights.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo held in Naples the first edition of the International Peace Workshops from 15th through 17th October.

The 3 days of seminars were organized in Working Groups where the participants, ex combatants and non-violent activists, related and shared their experiences with the aim to create a network in Europe and in the Mediterranean for mutual support and exchange between social organizations and ex-combatants for reconciliation, non-violent conflict resolution and justice.

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