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Today it has been assembled the steel structure for the Tricolored Totem for Peace. It has been the result of a collaboration between companies from Campania and Piemonte under the supervision of arch. Capasso.

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The concrete base for the artwork "Tricolored Totem for Peace" by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari, has been completed in less than 10 days by Scarparo Costruzioni srl. The work will be inaugurated in Turin next 4th of May, as a symbol of Peace and Unity.

The "Tricolored Totem for Peace" is an initiative by Fondazione Mediterraneo in collaboration with the Municipality and the Provincia of Turin.

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On Friday April the 8th Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted the presentation of the book L'architettura sostenibile e le politiche dell'alloggio sociale (Sustainable Architecture and Politics for Social Housing).

On. Erminia Mazzoni, European Parliament
Prof. Maria Teresa Lucarelli, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Arch. Michele Capasso, President Fondazione Mediterraneo
Dora Francese and Luca Buoninconti, book editors

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