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The President of the Fondazione Michele Capasso launched an appeal to the friends of the Fondazione so that they donate their 5x1000 tax contribution to the Fondazione, by signing and submitting the form and quoting the Fondazione’s Tax Number in their tax returns.




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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso participated in a solemn ceremony at the Cathedral of Naples to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the consecration of Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe as Bishop of Naples.
On that occasion, Cardinal Sepe expressed his appreciation of the action undertaken by President Capasso and dedicated two exemplary volumes of the “Giubileo per Napoli“ to him and Pia Molinari. The Jubilee was strongly supported by the Fondazione.

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At a press conference, the President of the International Committee and co-founder of the Fondazione Mediterraneo retraced the twenty-year history of the institution, emphasizing its fundamental role in promoting dialogue and peace in the Mediterranean and the world, as well as the importance of the “Totem for Peace” by Molinari as a symbol or “effigy” of peace throughout the world.

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