All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, architect, reminisced about his research in 1979, when as a young architect, he demonstrated the model used by Brunelleschi for the construction of the Dome. He was attending an event to celebrate the discovery of a model of the Dome which makes clear reference to the “fishbone system” used to raise the dome with stone blocks reaffirms Brunelleschi’s technique thanks to excavations carried our by the Cathedral Works.

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At the Trieste Film Festival, with whom the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been collaborating since1995, the 2013 Mediterranean Cinema Award for the best short film was awarded to “Deda” (Waiting for Mum) by Nana Ekvtimishvili. The film focuses on a man’s voice calling his mother and was awarded by a jury of young people.

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At a touching ceremony held at the Scuola Media Statale Carlo Poerio in Naples, President Michele Capasso awarded the “2013 Memoriae Mediterranean Award” to Raffaele Arcella, lawyer and concentration camp survivor.
The School Headmistress, Daniela Paparella, introduced the ceremony actively involving the more than 300 pupils in the activities organized for the ceremony.
Mr Arcella (lawyer) was moved by the ceremony and recalled some of the darkest moments of his internment in Germany.

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With approximately 200 titles, many of which were shown as international and national previews, the Trieste Film Festival has come to be known as the key event for central-east European cinema. Films compete in the full length feature films, short films and documentaries categories, but the festival also includes retrospectives and tributes and it is now a major venue for film lovers who consider it the show case for “New Europe” cinematography.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been collaborating with the Trieste Film Festival since1995, where it awards the Mediterranean Cinema Award to the best short film competing.

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