All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The "Mediterranean Award Art and Creativity 2024" was awarded to the memory of Ryūichi Sakamoto
The ceremony took place in Naples at the headquarters of the United States of the World in the presence of political, institutional, religious and military authorities from various countries. 
The Prize was presented by Prof. Michele Capasso to prof. Andrea Zepponi, who was delegated to receive the award.

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The "Mediterranean Award Culture 2024" was awarded to the memory of Kenzaburō Ōe
The ceremony took place in Naples at the headquarters of the United States of the World in the presence of political, institutional, religious and military authorities from various countries. 
The Prize was presented by Prof. Michele Capasso to Dr. Sandro Pezzoli, who was delegated to receive the award.

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The "Mediterranean Award Culture 2024" was awarded to the memory of Charles Simic
The ceremony took place in Naples at the headquarters of the United States of the World in the presence of political, institutional, religious and military authorities from various countries. 
The Prize was presented by Prof. Michele Capasso to Dr. Pia Molinari, who was delegated to receive the award.

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In the "Salvo D'Acquisto" barracks at Tor di Quinto, the Carabinieri Corps celebrated its 210th Foundation Anniversary, whose ceremony was sealed by the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, welcomed by the Minister of Defence, Hon. Guido Crosetto, and the Commander General, Lieutenant General Teo Luzi.
The ceremony was also attended by numerous other Parliamentary and Government Authorities, members of the Magistracy, military, civil and religious authorities, as well as the General Commanders and Directors of the Police Forces of all the FIEP member countries and other delegations from foreign countries with which the Force has a relationship of friendship and cooperation.
A delegation from the "United States of the World" and the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" attended the ceremony.
In the Peace Museum in Naples - which houses the section dedicated to "The Carabinieri Corps: faithful over the centuries" - there was a direct link on the big screens with the event in Rome.The significant anniversary falls on 5 June, the date on which in 1920 the Carabinieri's flag was awarded the first Gold Medal for Military Valour for the Carabinieri's participation in the First World War.
The ceremony opened at 6.30 p.m. after the airdrop of soldiers from the Carabinieri Parachute Regiment "Tuscania" and the subsequent entry onto the forecourt of three training Regiments representing the Organisations of the Force, from the Training Regiment to the Territorial, from the Mobile and Special Regiment to the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Protection. This was followed by the presentation of the honours to the President of the Republic, accompanied by the Minister of Defence, the Chief of Defence Staff and the Commander General of the Carabinieri Corps, who reviewed the deployed Units.
This was followed by the speeches of the General Commander, Gen. C.A. Teo Luzi, the Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone and the Minister of Defence, Hon. Guido Crosetto.

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