La Fondazione Mediterraneo e la Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto hanno costituito l’OMCOM – OSSERVATORIO MEDITERRANEO SULLA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA E LE MAFIE – che si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano.

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The emotional path of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to the victims of all the mafias today is reminiscent of Falcone and Borsellino 25 years after the Capaci massacre.
In collaboration with OMCOM (Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia) and the Caponnetto Foundation, the years of the anti-mafia pool are retraced until the killing of the two magistrates.
We remember them jokingly with Nino Caponnetto: 3 Great men dedicated to GOOD COMMON.

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From San Luca, a small village on the slopes of Aspromonte, a message of hope starts in the battle for legality and against crime with the initiative "In campo per il futuro", which represents the epilogue of an intense activity in schools in the province of Reggio Emilia continued throughout the year with meetings between students and magistrates and which took shape with the inauguration of the new stadium in the country. A symbolic gesture, of course, that represents a very precise signal, says undersecretary Boschi:"The state and the institutions are there, here in San Luca, and everywhere. There are no territories in which the State renounces to exist and to fight a battle of legality against the' ndrangheta".
A message that was taken up and repeated almost in chorus by all those who took part in the debate at a school in San Luca, which was a prologue to the inauguration of the football pitch with the match between the national singers and the magistrates (for the record won by the singers 4-3): to speak were the vice president of Csm Giovanni Legnini, the national anti-mafia prosecutor Franco Roberti, the secretary of Cei Nunzio Galantino, the prosecutors of Reggio Calabria and Catanzaro Federico Cafiero de Raho and Nicola Gratteri. Everyone agrees in emphasizing the constant presence of the team-state on the territory but also the need for collaboration of the population. "We are here today - it was the message to the boys - to say that things can change, even in San Luca. We want to build a different country, but to do so we need you.
Many representatives of the "Federation Anna Lindh Italy" participants. President Capasso emphasized the role played by OMCOM (the Mediterranean Observatory on organized crime and mafias set up by the Caponnetto Foundation) and the message of Nino Caponnetto, which underlined that "the mafia is more about culture than justice". Hence the important role of schools in helping young people to fight the mafias,"cancer that corrodes the future".

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"In this particular international moment, whose attention is directed to the fight against jihadist terrorist movements, however, it is necessary to strive to maintain a remarkable vigilance at 360 degrees on what is happening around ": this is the beginning of the analysis of Salvatore Calleri - President of the Caponnetto Foundation and of the Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and Mafias.

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Berlin strage. Another  strage. Another european capital. Another terrorist initiative. Berlin has once again hit life in its most beautiful and significant moments, which characterize the identity of a country. July 14 in Nice, now Berlin. Yes, that little square is world famous for the Christmas market. I have a living memory of years ago when I was there, during a visit to Berlin of Italian restaurateurs who rebelled against the lace imposed by mafiosi.
Today as yesterday familes crowd out stand. Gifts, crib characters, handicraft items! Children, lovers, young people full of energy, old sages, tourists around the world. Many Italians who live and study in the German capital. Classic life! An evening in Berlin!
The Truck bursts and sweeps away everything. It does not restrain, kills, hurt, throws in the sorrow and pain a whole country, the world, Europe. Already Europe! I'm not tired of repeating it. The only national road to anti-terrorism security is a must but not enough. It was thought that only France had its unprepared and overcome system. Maybe, but Germany? In essence, national security is not enough in preventing Daesh's terrorist attacks.
More than ever, it is necessary to move to the construction of a true and effective common European space against terrorism and anti-mafia .... It's a tough road to take. National stories and interests stand in every way. But so is a dripping that endangers all the "provincial" European capitals. We Italians this time pushing on the right side. We are the best organized country, but we also know that quality leap can only be done at European level with an intelligence, a specialized police and an equally common prosecutor. Of course Europe does not have the capacity to push countries to make choices in that direction. It is a declining Europe, both inside and outside. But in this troubled historic moment, the construction of the United States of Europe must be decided.
In Turkey, the Russian ambassador is killed. In the Middle East, the war rages. In Aleppo, the images that come to us say long about the tragedy that is being consumed. There is a need, there is space, there is the possibility to think and realize the United States of Europe. First we proceed is better for all of us and for the same humanity.

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The "XXII ° National Antimafia Summit" was held in Florence organized by the Fondazione Caponetto in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the OMCOM, the "Federazione Anna LINDH Italia-Onlus" and the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli.
This year's theme is "NO TO MAFIA AND TERRORISM: WITH THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE A CHANGE OF STRATEGY IN CONTRAST”. Among the interventions those of Senators Giuseppe Lumia and Mario Giarusso, the magistrates Giuseppe Lombardo, Catello Maresca, the attorney Pietro Suchan, the Colonel Giorgio Giombetti, the journalists Paolo Borrometi, Martin De Sá Pinto and others. The president of the Fondazione Caponetto Salvatore Calleri stressed the topicality of the summit wanted by Antonino Caponetto precisely to "keep the guard high" against the mafias, organised crime and terrorism that develops with extreme speed Adapting to the changing times.
The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso drew attention to the role of Europe and the non-Constitution of the "United States of Europe", remembering the activites of Fondazione Mediterraneo  this issue since 1994.
The work was concluded by the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso who launched an appeal for the anti-mafia movements no to die by making the Fondazione Caponetto for its commitment and to become increasingly as a reference point against Mafias, especially through the OMCOM- Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e la Mafia formed jointly with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. " United Europe against joint crime "is one of the slogans of the summit.

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