2016 (EN)

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Mediterranean Prize, on 9 September 2016 - at the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples- the ceremony was held to award the "Mediterranean Institutions Award" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" to Elisabeth Guigou, president of the Foreigns Affairs Commission of the National Assembly of the French Republic and president of the “Anna Lindh Foundation”.
For over 25 years committed to dialogue and peace in the Mediterranean and the world, the hon. Guigou has assumed prestigious roles and was also the first woman Minister of Justice with President Mitterrand in 1997. And it is still the first woman to be elected president of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly, in 2012.
Collaborator of Jacques Delors at the Ministry of Finance in 1981, Elisabeth Guigou is called the following year to the Elysée to become adviser to the President of the Republic for Economic and European affairs. In 1984, he is a full-time adviser for the president's European issues, which he appoints as secretary General in 1986, head of the strategic administration which guarantees the coherence of the French positions in the negotiations in Brussels. This thorough knowledge of both the shores of the Mediterranean has allowed it to be appointed to the presidency of the "Fondazione Anna Lindh for the dialogue between cultures" in 2015, happening to the Moroccan André Azoulay.
For this dedication to Europe, the Mediterranean, justice and solidarity, the Scientific Council of the Mediterranean Foundation decided to give the "Mediterranean award institutions" 2016.
Diplomats from various countries, members of the Fondazione mediterraneo and representatives of the institutions attended the ceremony. Among these: the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Hassan Abouyoub, the consul general of France Jean-Paul Seytre, the consul general of Spain Fernando Sanchez Rau, the president of the City Council of Naples Dott. Alessandro Fucito, the delegate of the magnificent rector Prof. Gilberto Sammartino, the director of communication of the FAL Paul Walton. The Hon. Guigou, moved, thanked President Capasso for this honour: "A precious and unique recognition for a life dedicated to Europe and the Mediterranean".
Ambassador Abouyoub has drawn the profile by defining it as "a balance between heart and emotion".
The Prof. Gilberto Sammartino, on behalf of the jury, read the motivations of the prize.