2015 (EN)

Onu and Kaiciid makes gather together in Marocco religious leaders from all over the world.

On the 23 and 24 of April took place the world forum on the role of religious leaders in the prevention of mass crimes organized by ONU office for the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility of Protection, in collaboration with Wien KAICIID Centre, Interministerial for human rights of Marocco, Majoub El Haiba and Moroccan League of Oulema.
The meeting of Fez gave life to a path of which the following steps will be five regional seminars and a final one which will be global, during which an Action Plan will be adopted. Thirty exponents of the most important religions (Catholic, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism) joined, along with international experts of human rights, interreligious dialogue and prevention of conflict.
The Under Secretary General Adama Dieng, Ban Ki –Moon Special Counselor for the prevention of genocide, thanked Moroccan authorities and in particular way King Mohammed IV for having accepted to organize the Forum in Fez, city of strong spiritual and religious connotation. More than 30 religious guides from different countries and religion, gathered together for two days in Morocco in the city of Fez in occasion of the first world forum sponsored by United Nations (Office for the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility of Protection), by interreligious platform Kaiciid, wanted by the dead Saudi King Abdullah and which takes place in Morocco, and by Mohammedia, the League of Muslim scholars of Morocco. The meeting, as the press release states, fits in a path started by initiative of ONU High Commission for Human Rights after the meetings of Rabat and Geneve and the further involvement of Kaiicid, in the hope that “interreligious dialogue became an essential way for the prevention of possible escalations due to religious abuse and tensions in the community”.
The meeting was the first of a series of forum which will be held later in different countries, historical city of Islamic wisdom, headquarters of one of the first universities of the world and birth country of important saints and wise men.
“Some religious authorities joined to Fez Forum linked criminal atrocities to the problems due to lack of freedom and equal dignity of religious pluralism, and other problems linked to social emargination, poverty and lack of knowledge”, affirmed the vice president of Italian Coreis, the Imam Yahya Pallavicini, who joined to different sessions of Forum.
"Even though I understand these issues – he declared- these are not balanced to the violent reaction who some provoke through slaughters justified as “give justice” to the honour lost by a religion. On the contrary- declared the imam- these criminals recruit in the West and in the East people, letting them believe that revolution is the definitive solution to the society’s problems.
Such a instigation strategy arises by lost of authority of authentic leaders of and scarce awareness of traditional heritage of humanity which all the religions testify.” “In order to stop this contempt of religion and all the principles of sacredness of life- kept on talking Pallavicini –is to safeguard the identity and authority of religious guides against false guide without spiritual and theological authority and moreover to sponsor a coordination between Institutions and wise men of different religions in order to calibrate safeguard strategies and educate to Peace”.
The moderator of the meeting was Adama Dieng, special advisor of ONU for the Safeguard of Genocide and Faisal bin Mu'ammar, Kaiciid general secretary.
Joined the meeting:

For the Induism, Swami Agnivesh from India
For the Judaism, Rav David Rosen from Jerusalem
For the Buddhism, Sam Art Oeun from Cambodia
For Greek Ortodox Church, Metropolita Emanuel Adamakis
For Catholic Church Cardinal John Onaiyakan from Nigeria e Mons. Miguel Ayuso from Vatican
For Protestant Church James Wuye from Nigeria
For Sunni Islam Ahmad Al-Abbadi, general secretary of Mohammedia, the league of wise Muslim men from Morocco
For Schiite Islam, Maythan Al Salman from Bahrain
A delegation from Fondazione Mediterraneo joined the event.