2014 (EN)

On iniziative of the latin patriarch in Gerusalem S.B. Fouad Twal, during a ceremony held in Mercadante Theatre in Naples- in occasion of the EU Italian Semester Presidency, of the 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and the 20° of “Premio Mediterraneo” –has been held the assignment of “Mediterranean Award Rita Allamprese for childhood” to Israelian and palestinian mothers.
Joined to the ceremony ambassadors from 42 countries, the minister of culture and tourism Dario Franceschini, the culture assessor of Campania Region Caterina Miraglia and other authorities.
In this occasion has been screened the videomessage of patriarch Twal.
The award was conferred by the ambassador VeroniKa Stabej and has been taken by Terry Boullata in behalf of palenistian mothers.