In the framework of the Common Operation of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation Supporting Citizenship and Meeting Minorities, it took place in Ancona, at the Archeological Museum, the second appointment of the event Mari del Dialogo e della Rivolta , organized by Provincia di Ancona, Associazione Adriatico Mediterraneo and Regione Marche, in collaboration with Terre di Tutti Film Festival - COSPE.

Took part to the Conference "Conversazione sul Mare: perché il Mediterraneo brucia": Thameur Mekki (independent journalist Tunisia), Kerim Bouzouita (journalist and cyber journalist Tunisia), Leila Chaibi (director), Enza Amici (Uniti per la Libertà - Carovana Italia Tunisia/Libia).

Jonathan Ferramola (COSPE, director of Terra di Tutti Film Festival) moderated the event.

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