In full compliance with the rules of distancing and protection for Covid 19, the award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Award 2020" was held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, which inaugurated the celebratory activities for the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo .
For the "Institutions" section, the prize was awarded to the Island of Lampedusa, represented by the Mayor Dr. Salvatore Martello, present webinar.
Representatives of the political, cultural and institutional world of various Mediterranean countries and the members of the juries were present in the room.
The prize, consisting of the work "Totem of Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari, was symbolically awarded by the president prof. Michele Capasso and Dr. Pia Molinari waiting to carry out the official ceremony in Lampedusa in the coming weeks.
On the occasion of the Foundation's thirtieth anniversary, President Capasso recalled the many activities and "Laboratories for Peace" carried out in Lampedusa and culminating in the historic visit of Pope Francis on 8 July 2013 and the contemporary appeal launched in Lampedusa by the Foundation same day.
Mayor Martello thanked for the prestigious award that honors the island and its inhabitants.
On this occasion it was proposed to create the monumental work "Totem of Peace" on the Island of Lampedusa to strengthen the bond also in consideration that the relics of migrants present in the "Totem of Peace" in the Port of Naples (inaugurated by Pope Francis March 21, 2015) were brought by the Commander of the Coast Guard of Lampedusa.
The architect Vincenzo Latina proposed to carry out the work within the project he developed for the recovery of the quarries