2020 (EN)

The creation of the International Mediterranean Day was announced at the end of 2020 to be celebrated on the 28 November, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process, which laid the foundations of the UfM. On this occasion, 4 logos of the day were proposed which will be submitted to the vote of the main actors.
President Michele Capasso - who with the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been one of the protagonists of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership since 1990 and one of the main players in the Barcelona Process - expressed his satisfaction with this decision, recalling that the first proposal was approved at "II FORUM CIVILE EUROMED "held in Naples in December 1997. Similarly, Capasso expressed his appreciation for the proposed logos, communicating to the UfM the choice of the Mediterranean Foundation and the Anna Lindh Federation of the first logo depicting the olive branch, recalling a phrase by Braudel that said "the Mediterranean exists where the olive tree grows".