2020 (EN)

The events at the Museum of Peace - MAMT continue in full compliance with the rules of distancing.
The program is titled "Being There" and aims to highlight the irreplaceable role of culture for recovery after the pandemic.
Period of contagion, a condition of emerging uncertainty for all seasons. An uncomfortable situation that poses the need to find a way out. The commitment of "Bottega constitututiva" goes in this direction, an initiative that was presented today at the Peace Museum in Naples born from the idea of ​​the playwright and director Egidio Carbone Lucifero and supported by the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The activities are articulated with thematic in-depth meetings, training
and experimentation in synergy, among others, with the master Enzo Moscato, exponent of the new Italian and European dramaturgy. On this occasion the medium footage was screened
"Guado" (ITA 2014), work by Egidio Carbone Lucifero for cinema with the original soundtrack by James Senese.
The meeting, organized with the representatives of the Cultural Heritage section of the provincial Acli of Naples, the Mediterranean Foundation and the Peace Museum of Naples, was attended by artists and union representatives from the world of culture and entertainment, including Massimo Taglialatela, Uilcom regional secretary Campania, sector particularly affected by the contingent state of crisis. In the presence of the author, the artists of the Bottega Costitutiva read texts by Enzo Moscato and Egidio Carbone Lucifero with musical interventions by Marzouk Mejri