2020 (EN)

It took place at the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - in Naples, Via Depretis n. 130 - the joint meeting of the Governing Council of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and of the Executive Committee of the Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Foundation.
The chairman of the meeting is prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra (president of the Executive Committee of the Federation), secretary of the lawyer Valerio Barone, Managing Director.
Among the items on the agenda

  • The review of the program of activities in the light of the COVID pandemic 19.
  • The new dates of the "Italy to be discovered" program.
  • The activities of the "Kimiyya" program.
  • The activities of the "The City of Dialogue" program.
  • The activities of the members of the Anna Lindh Federation.
  • The response to the warning sent on 30.06.2020 by the lawyer Sciaudone.

On this last point, the participating members unanimously delegated the lawyer. Baron to represent them fully and to respond to the warning by highlighting:

  • The unresolved question of the Head of the Italian network, in the light of the questions to the Italian Parliament (Annex 4) and to the European Parliament (Annex 13) and the ongoing appeals to the Italian and European institutions (Annex 5, 6, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12,) appointed to respect democracy and treaties (the issue has been the subject of specific Assemblies, such as that of 27.10.2017: at the following link you can view the documentation: https://www.fondazionemediterraneo.org/index.php/iniziative/federazione-anna-lindh-italia-onlus/4188-assemblea-della-federazione-anna-lindh-italia-onlus
  • The Federation's non-existent advantage over the accession of new members, being the current 1037 all founding members who voluntarily and democratically joined (Annex 7).
  • The many statements not corresponding to the facts (an example, the Appeal to the President of the Republic that would have been signed in 2019, while it was signed in 2017 when the Fondazione Mediterraneo was the Leader of the Italian Network in all respects - (Annex 1, 2, 3).
  • The change of the logo and the non-existence of an "abusive" use of ALF logos with those of the "Federation" and "Fondazione Mediterraneo" (Annexes 14, 15, 16).
  • The need to avoid the constant use of periodic warnings and anything else that has no basis.
  • The evidence of the number of activities carried out by the ALF Federation since its establishment (over 1,300 initiatives that can be viewed on the web portals - falitalia.org).