2018 (EN)

Alberto Varela together with Erik Moreno and part of the team of "Ayahuasca International Italia" - on tour in the south of Italy to inform and share the power of these natural instruments - was the protagonist of the conference held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Welcomed by President Capasso, the speakers emphasized the importance of awakening conscience and opening up the heart to bring out our true Being.
"The new world of infinite possibilities, of rebirth, of recognizing yourself for what you really are .. everything is within you, and grows depending on how you relate to everything that is outside of you. Unity, Transformation, Change in perception, recognition of our essence ", stated Varela.
The conference focused on the revolution that is being created all over the world and on the use of shamanic and entheogenic instruments from the forest and the desert.
And to follow from Friday 20 to Sunday 22 July, there will be an Internal Evolution Retreat in the Fiuggi house. In this two-day and two-night retreat, Osho meditations will be performed, integrative group dynamics, dance, song and live music for emotional release. Furthermore, Alberto Varela will hold two lessons of Conscious School. One of the themes of vital importance for the transformation of the human being is: A NEW FAMILY MODEL.
How to free ourselves from the patterns and family beliefs that cause so much harm to children, adolescents and young people? Our organization is a family, and within it there are many blood families from many countries of the world, all those who are part of this family, whether it be a blood or spiritual relationship, we are enjoying the experience of understanding, love and freedom that we can live thanks to trust in this new model of relationship and communication. The other theme of the Conscious School is very current: HOW TO OVERCOME ATTACKS AND DEPENDENCES. Toxic relationships, decadent social contexts, and an educational, cultural and religious system that degrades the human being and exposes him to many disorders and imbalances.