Fondazione Mediterraneo

Alpe Adria Cinema renews its annual meeting with Central and Eastern European cinema in occasion of the 18th edition of the Trieste Film Festival, Trieste, 18 – 25 January 2007 (Cinema Excelsior, Sala Azzurra, Cinema Ariston and Teatro Miela), directed as usual by Annamaria Percavassi
The Festival is nowadays the most rich and articulated Italian film festival devoted to the cinema from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond.

Also for this 18th Edition the Fondazione Mediterraneo has collaborated with Alpe Adria Cinema – Triestefilmfestival conferring the International Award Laboratorio Mediterraneo 2003 to the best short film. The jury, composed by Maurizio Di Rienzo, Ivan Karl e Thomas Woschitz, assigned the Prize (€2.000) to:
"LAMPA CU CĂCIULĂ (The Tube With a Hat) by Radu Jude, Rumania, 2006.

Special mentions went to:
TIR by Radoy Nikolov, Bulgaria, 2005 and 10 INSECTS TO FEED (10 INSETTI DA NUTRIRE) by MASBEDO (Nicolò Massazza, Jacopo Bedogni), Italy, 2006.