Complete list of events

The President of the Fonndazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso and the Director the  “young people, women and creativity” sector, Pia Molinari, held an official meeting with a delegation from the National Union of Moroccan Women (UNFM) to draw up a Cooperation Protocol for the establishment of an “Observatory for Women’s Needs” aimed at answering the problems of violence, illiteracy, gender equality and human rights, etc.

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President Capasso took part in a meeting with Dacia Maraini on the women of the Italian  Risorgimento, stressing the fundamental importance of some of them in the process for the Unification of  Italy.

The Nobel prize Shirine Ebadi made a Plea for Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani,that was welcomed and spread by all members and all branches of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

Sakineh, a 43-year-old Iranian woman, mother of two children, was convicted of adultery and complicity in the murder of her husband and sentenced to death by stoning.

In the plea, intellectuals such as the sociologist Edgar Morin, the historians Elisabeth Roudinesco and Max Gallo, the writer Marek Halter, the philosophers Daniel Schiffer and Michel Serres, urged to "stop these methods and this un fair and barbaric punishment” asking for " the respect for dignity and freedom for all the Iranian women who are oppressed or threatened".