Meeting at the Istituto Filisofico: “La Sfida” a book by Sergio Chiamparino

On 2nd March 2011, at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, there was the book presentation of Sergio Chiamparino’s “La Sfida” and Giuseppe Gargani’s “Fine della Politica. Rinascita della Politica”.

The authors discussed their works with Andrea Orlando, Umberto Ranieri, Clemente Mastella, Mario Valducci. The meeting was chaired by Virman Cusenza, Director of "Il Mattino".

President Michele Capasso intervened on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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Memoriae (EN)

Mediterranean Award "Memoriae" 2013
The award was handed over to Raffaele Arcella for having shared his testimony of the horrors of the holocaust with young people by narrating stories of the closed prison from his book “Frammenti” and for having dedicated his life to inculcating a sentiment of peace and dialogue in young people.
Lest we forget one of the largest tragedies of humanity.


Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 17 january 2013


Memories of the Shoah Section
The award has been assigned to the sisters Andra and Tatiana Bucci, native of Fiume and deported respectively at the age of
4 and 7 years at the Birkenau concentration camp along with other membersof their family.



Other Memories Section
The award assigned to the attorney
Pasquale Cappuccio, brutally murdered by the mafia more than 30 years ago, was received by his daughter Emma Lorena.




Post-memoriaes Section
The award was assigned to the memory of Shmuel Haddas, first Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See who disappeared in January 2010.



Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 7th February 2011



Appeal for Peace from Naples: live broadcast of Campania regional news, TG3

During a live television broadcast from the offices of the Fondazione Mediterraneo of Naples - from 7 to 8 a.m. in "Buongiorno Regione" (repeated at 2 p.m.  on "TG3" and on Saturday 5th March on "Settimanale TG3") - the result of 20 years of commitment to the Mediterranean and to Peace was presented and an Appeal for Peace in Lybia was proposed by ARCI, Associazione “Libera”, Fondazione Mediterraneo and others.

On this occasion the Totem for Peace project was illustrated and, especially, that the “Tricolore” edition which was made in Turin for the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy.

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Debate “Yesterday’s Europe, Tomorrow’s Europe”

At the historical headquarters of the Bank of Naples in via Toledo there was the debate “Yesterday’s Europe, Tomorrow’s Europe” with an important group of speakers, including economists and politicians. Speeches were given by  Andrea Beltratti, president of the management board of the Intesa Sanpaolo bank, Paolo Garonna, director general of the Associazione nazionale delle imprese assicuratrici, Alfonso Izzo of the European Federalist Movement, the Euro-Parliamentarians Gianni Pittella, acting vice president of the European Parliament and Antonio Tajani, vice president of the European Commission for Industry and Business. In the afternoon there was a round table discussion with the president of Cnel Antonio Marzano, the vice president of Confindustria, Cristiana Coppola, the president of the cultural commission of Confindustria Alessandro Laterza, Gregorio De Felice, manager of analysis and research for Intesa Sanpaolo bank and Alessandra Perrazzelli, from the Intesa Sanpaolo Eurodesk. The work was chaired by  Giuseppe Castagna, director general of Banco di Napoli.

Claudio Azzolini, head of Institutional Relations, intervened on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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Inauguration of the Judicial Year 2011 of the TAR of Campania

President Michele Capasso and the parliamentarian Claudio Azzolini took part in the Inauguration of the Judicial Year 2011 of the TAR of Campania. Also present were the Mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino, the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro and the Cardinal of Naples, Crescenzio Sepe.

Watch the video

"Tengo Famiglia": presentation of Carlo Puca’s book

On 26th February at the offices of the Fondazione Valenzi, Carlo Puca’s new book “Tengo Famiglia”, published by Aliberti Editore, was presented. The speakers were the President of the Campania Region, Stefano Caldoro, the Provincial Secretary of the PD, Enzo Amendola, the Director of "il Denaro", Alfonso Ruffo and the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso.

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ALF Italian Network: Coordination Meeting of the Regions Lazio, Marche and Campania

The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of the Regions Lazio, Marche and Campania was held in Rome. On that occasion – in the presence of Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

The coordinator was required to reconsider the "joint operation " through initiatives involving the rebellious Arab Countries. President Michele Capasso has fully accepted this request, proposing initiatives to help the youth of these Countries.

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The start of the Union of the Deaf of the Greater Mediterranean

During a meeting with Ida Collu, President of the National Body for the Deaf and Urbano Stenta, functionary of the Foreign Office, cooperation with the Fondazione Mediterraneo was agreed upon for the creation of a Union of the Deaf in the Greater Mediterranean and for holding the Summit of the Deaf of the Mediterranean, in Naples, with the objective of creating Mediterranean solidarity.

ALF Italian Network: Coordination Meeting of Regione Puglia

The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of Regione Puglia was held at Vernole. On that occasion – in the presence of Piera Raimondi, assistant of the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

The Institute of Mediterranean Cultures of the Province of Lecce, Teatro Astragali and Euromed Agency for Cultural heritage, have put forward proposals to improve networking synergy.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo among the top 5 of Campania

From a study carried out by "Think Thanks", a research and communications company lead by Lucio Iaccarino, and published in the newsletter "Grazie del Pensiero", the Fondazione Mediterraneo, together with the Fondazioni SUDD, Mezzogiorno Europa, IDIS-Città della Scienza and Teatro San Carlo, were in the first 5 of Naples City and Province, from 183 accredited organisations, for transparency, content and interactivity.

A result - claims President Capasso - made possible by the strong interaction with the territory which, since 1998, has seen the setting up of thematic bureaux developing the partnerships between the collectivities of Naples and the Province and  the Euromediterranean countries.

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