The "Totem for Peace" is a trademark duly filed in accordance with the regulations. Therefore, any initiatives undertaken by third parties using that trademark or the word "Totem for Peace" in any context and for whatever purpose, it integrates to all intents and purposes the case of trademark infringement.

The "Totem of Peace", the work of the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari, is the symbol of the "United States of the World" and represents the Peace: it was chosen in 1997 by 3,000 representatives of 181 countries and since then the "United States of the World" with the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" are spreading this universal symbol by setting up the network of "Cities for Peace".
The sculptor Mario Molinari was an artist of clear fame, sensitive to the themes of peace and dialogue between cultures, as evidenced by his numerous works and his life.
The cultural project of the "Totem of Peace" is carried out in the world by Michele Capasso: dedicated, since 1987, to the construction of dialogue as a tool for the mediation of conflicts, he combines his international experience of social and intercultural planning and planning with the professional one of architect and engineer.
Many countries have created the monumental work symbolising peace and coexistence between different peoples. Among the main ones are:


The sail that symbolizes the journey, the sea. This “Mare Nostrum” of ​​Ours which was the cradle of civilization, the scene of clashes and battles between the people who inhabited it but also and above all of the exchange of goods and knowledge. A sea celebrated in myth where Ulysses got lost, continuing to wander in his desperate search for his way back. The sail that turns red, at dawn and dusk, at departure and return in the immutable rhythm of the Universe .


On the occasion of the day dedicated to solidarity and hospitality, President Michele Capasso welcomed visitors from all over the world gathered around the Totem for Peace by sculptor Mario Molinari. The monumental work with the urn of the "Unknown Migrant" was built in the Piazzale Costiera Costiera of the Port of Naples and visited by Pope Francis.

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Mid-August in the sign of peace and solidarity among peoples.
The values of dialogue, peace and solidarity were reaffirmed during a meeting.
Before the Totem for Peace by the sculptor Molinari - made in the heart of Pescasseroli - The prefect of Chieti Giacomo Barbato and the president Michele Capasso confirmed the need for a more just society based on the values of solidarity and respect for the other

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On the occasion of the "Napoli Porto Aperto" event, the "Totem of Peace" (Molinari sculptor) with the urn of the Unknown Migrant becomes the symbol of the refugees who launch an appeal against the closure of ports, for a reception and integration policy of all those escaping from wars.
The "Totem of Peace" - which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is spreading all over the world - increasingly represents refugees, the weak, the poor and those who are victims of injustice and illegality.
In particular, the monumental work carried out in front of the Maritime Station of the Port of Naples - donated to the Coast Guard Corps on the occasion of the 150th anniversary - contains the relics of the Unknown Migrant, brought by the officers of the Coast Guard of Lampedusa the March 21, 2015 in the presence of Pope Francis.

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