MAIN EVENTS 2008-2022

Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (APM) – which under its sphere gathers together the Parliaments of 28 countries of Mediterranean area – paid homage to “Totem of Peace” with the urn of “Unknown Migrant”.
APM General Secretary Sergio Piazzi, during the ceremony deposited in the urn the Participation Statement and High Patronage which was shared unanimously by the Assembly.
In behalf of Parliamentarians from 28 countries the General Secretary expressed the approval for the choise of the Totem location “of high symbolic value because, in the last century, from the same place in front of Naples Maritime Station, millions of people left searching for a brighter future.”
Fondazione Mediterraneo and Port Captaincy – Coast Guard, deposited the urn with the remains of Unknown Migrants on 21 March 2015, day which since several years is dedicated to APM and Mediterranean.
The 28 red flowers which General Secretary Piazzi deposited in the urn are from greenhouses cultivated by migrants and located in terrains got back from the organized criminality.