OMCOM||Osservatorio sulle Mafie (EN)


La Fondazione Mediterraneo e la Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto hanno costituito l’OMCOM – OSSERVATORIO MEDITERRANEO SULLA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA E LE MAFIE – che si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano.

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The tragedy of millions of immigrants who arrive to the Italian shores is the new business for mafia. The situation become day by day worriest. Fondazione Mediterraneo follows with concern the development of criminal organizations in this sector.

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The OMCOM –Mediterranean Observatory about Mafia and other Criminal Groups – composed by Fondazione Caponnetto and Fondazione Mediterraneo celebrated in Florence and Naples the day of legality. Elisabetta Caponnetto, widow of Nino, remembered that the struggle of mafia is possible trough the culture of legality and courage. The presidents Michele and Salvatore Calleri proposed to MAMT museum to dedicated the main halls to the victims of all mafia. In occasion of the XXIII anniversary of Capaci and via D’Amelio tragedies 40 thousands students coming from Italy and one hundred coming from Europe and Usa gathered together and remembered Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino, Francesca Morvillo, wife of Falcone, and his body guards  Rocco Dicillo, Vito Schifani, Antonio Montinaro, Walter Eddie Cosina, Claudio Traina, Emanuela Loi, Vincenzo Li Muli, Agostino Catalano.
Thanks to the collaboration with Rai, Palermo was linked to 6 Italian squares (Milano, Gattalico, Firenze, Napoli, Rosario e Corleone).
In this way Palermo became centre of legality and the celebration of the anniversary become occasion of formation for the students. "The immages of Capaci attack will be always before our eyes, as well as those of via D’Amelio” as was stated by the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in Palermo, in occasion of the XXIII anniversary of Capaci and via d’Amelio tragedies. "Mafia can be defeated and we will get rid of it "
"We are here to say that mafia can be defeated. We are here to renew a promise: we will defeat the mafia, get rid of it because it is conflicting with human cohabitation and freedom.” These were the conclusive words of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella,when he leaved the Bunker hall of Ucciardone in Palermo, for the ceremony of  Capaci’s slaughter. Some students stopped him screaming "President... President" and some children took a picture with him and gifted him with illustrations.

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The president of  Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the president of Caponnetto Foundation  Salvatore Càlleri joined– in behalf of Omcom –to the technical table on the use and management of confiscated properties.
Joined to the event the president of Budget Room Francesco Boccia, the prefect director of  National Agency Umberto Postiglione, Police Commissioner Naples Guido Marino and the judge Catello Maresca.

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Under the Patronage of Italian Republic President and organized by Caponnetto Foundation - in collaboration with OMCOM and  Fondazione Mediterraneo -  took place in Bagno a Ripoli, in Spedale del Bigallo, the “XX° Antimafia Summit” and the “3° Mediterranean Summit”.
The meeting had been managed by Salvatore Càlleri and joined as spokeperson: Senato’s President Pietro Grasso, the president of Sicily Region Rosario Crocetta, president Rosy Bindi, the judge Catello Maresca, president Michele Capasso, i senators Lorenzo Diana e Mario Michele Giarrusso, the journalist Claudio Gherardini and others.
In this occasion president Capasso stressed the importance to struggle the action of the so called “Legal criminality”: from the clearance sale to multinational corporation to the resources’s waste by international organs which in actuality should face poverty, waste and hunger.

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