Complete Lest || of events

The IN/Arch-National Institute of Architecture-with the patronage of the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo-organized on Monday, April 29, 2024 at 3 p.m. at Palazzo Giustiniani, Presidency of the Senate of the Republic-Rome, this meeting to focus on the issue of the quality of design of living environments as a primary interest for the whole community and to demonstrate its concrete influence on sociality, well-being, economy, safety, protection of nature and historical places.
The proposal for a “European Design Code aimed at the quality of living environments” is designed to make concrete some principles of design, building on a human scale and the environment; values, these, widely shared but unfortunately unimplemented, although constantly affirmed in normative and ministerial policy statements. The initiative originated in the event “Seed - Design Action for the Future,” held a year ago in Perugia, one of nine “Architecture Festivals 2023” promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture. The proposal, which was also discussed in important international public contexts, was presented and brought to the attention of a large gathering of international designers and administrators by the magazine “Le Carré Bleu, feuille internationale d’architecture”.

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"I am here to share!": with these words, at 8 a.m., Pope Francis lands in the women's prison of Giudecca. 
We are invited to attend the Pope's brief visit at various stages: a small delegation from the "United States of the World" participates in the events that characterise an important day. 
Pope Francis' visit lasts only five hours, enough, however, to write an important page of history for a city like Venice, already a destination for papal presences.
It begins well ahead of schedule, starting right from the Prison. For Pope Francis it is the first time in Venice, for the city it is the fourth Pope to visit it, the first ever to visit the Art Biennale. The route winds its way through calli and canals starting from the Holy See pavilion set up in the Giudecca prison.

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A delegation from the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in the second edition of the Euromediterranean Festival of Economics, chaired by Patrizio Bianchi, Ambassador of the United States of the World.
There were many speeches including those of Romano Prodi, Ignazio Visco, Anna Maria Bernini, Gaetano Manfredi, Vincenzo De Luca and others.
President Capasso congratulated Patrizio Bianchi and Romano Prodi, Awarded by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in 2014 and 2022, for the concreteness of the topics dealt with, which took up the proposals already launched at the II Euromed Civil Forum organised in Naples in 1997 by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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The first of two meetings of G7 Foreign Ministers that will be hosted in Italy in 2024 was held in Capri. As stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Antonio Tajani, the aim is to strengthen the G7's role as the main forum for consultation among the major liberal democracies and as a factor for stability in the face of the major crises taking place at the global level.
The agenda therefore focused on the main issues at the centre of the international debate, starting with the situation in the Middle East. Among the topics discussed were the serious humanitarian crisis and the resumption of a meaningful and incisive political process for the "two peoples, two states" solution.
The worrying situation in the Red Sea also found a place on the G7 Foreign Ministers' agenda, with particular reference to the safety of shipping and the repercussions on trade routes, particularly to the Mediterranean.
The Italian Presidency also sought to renew cooperation with Africa in a spirit of mutual respect.
Although Israel's response to Iran disrupted the proceedings, major global issues also found their way into the debate. These included food security, energy security, the fight against climate change, cyber security and Artificial Intelligence, which opens up enormous opportunities but presents significant risks for humanity.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso, on his return from Gaza, was in Capri on 18 and 19 April, emphasising the role played since 1987 by the "United States of the World" in achieving "two Peoples in two States" with the historic visits of Arafat, Abu Mazen and Shimon Peres to Naples.

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Franco Rol - distant cousin, witness and main extraordinary biographer of Gustavo Adolfo Rol (inspirer of the United States of the World) - with great generosity has made 4 full-bodied volumes on a fundamental phase of Gustavo Adolfo Rol's life available for all to read online. At the same time, he has made them available in a broader horizon, which also includes the controversy on the existence or non-existence of the so-called paranormal phenomena, on which there has been a debate for centuries without there still being an effective and accepted scientific demonstration.
It took 4 volumes of over 1,800 pages in total, in addition to the 2,700 of the previous 6 (the first 3 on Rol's phenomenology classified and commented, the other 3 on mainly unpublished or little-known texts and writings and contextual analysis, from the 1940s to 1977).
These new volumes collect a huge amount of unpublished information and analysis, documentary material on Rol and not only. They also analyse the genesis of the myth, because it is a myth, of "magic Turin", which no one has previously studied carefully and which arose at the beginning of the 1970s on the wave of the parapsychology and paranormal boom following the participation of Massimo Inardi, who had met Rol and held him in great esteem, in Mike Bongiorno's "Rischiatutto".
In the intentions of the author and writer Franco Rol, these volumes will be a first great tombstone on the sepulchre of the sceptics, or rather, of the sceptic-negationists, with a CRITICISM TO CRITICISM not on the level of faith or belief, but on that of reason and a correct investigative and ultimately scientific approach.
The "Rol case" represents a formidable paradigm at the precise point of convergence between science and religion, reason and intuition, intellect and heart.

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