2021 (EN)

On the occasion of the XXVIa Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the innocent victims of the mafia - promoted by Libera and supported, among others, by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - for the first time in 26 years we are not together to color the squares of Italy . In these difficult days where it is essential to stay at home, we did not want to let the families of the innocent victims of the mafias miss our embrace. And the memory does not stop just as the memory of all the innocent victims of the mafia does not stop. March 21 has never been an end date in itself but always the stage of a commitment that lasts 365 days a year in schools, universities, associations, parishes and everywhere citizens live that responsibility for the common good that it is the first antidote to the evil of the mafias and corruption. The innocent victims of the mafias don't just want to be remembered. They want us to continue their commitment, to fulfill their hopes. To remember, to bring back to the heart the lives of people torn from their families, realizing, in fact, a right to a name and to remember that has no "civil" content but ethical, human, supportive: core values ​​of a community capable of building a process of Memory. This is why it was decided to celebrate the day through a social campaign. Through the web and social media, all the innocent victims of the mafia have been remembered, their stories, their names and our closeness to all the families of the innocent victims of the mafia.
On this occasion, certificates of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to the young volunteers of the "Libera" Association.