2016 (EN)

Almost 550 local authorities and associations represented and more than one hundred schools who joined in the March.
Among these, also the "Federazione Anna Lindh Italia": next to the students of Amatrice.
There are 100,000 total participants who have challenged the bad weather. The procession left around 9am in the morning from Perugia, to arrive in the early afternoon at Rocca Maggiore di Assisi.
The members of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (adherents to the Anna Lindh Italia Federation) have affirmed the indispensable values of dialogue and coexistence that must have in young people the main actors, protagonists of our future.
I wish to extend a warm greeting to the organizers and to all participants - wrote Sergio Mattarella in a message - especially to young people who express their hope to see the wars, violence and limitations of human rights canceled in every corner of the world. Peace - continued the Head of State - is an issue that does not only appeal to the heads of nations or restricted ruling classes. The peoples are suffering the consequences of wars. It is from them that a new season of cooperation, sustainable development and mutual respect can come.