2015 (EN)

The mix of different sources and knowledge of Mediterranean Countries and Middle East becomes a strategy for the overcoming of prejudices which increase the clash of civilizations and religions, and a political, economical, and a social crisis.
The Prof. Foad Aodi, President of the Association of Foreign Origin Doctors (Amsi), Arab World Comunity in Italy (Co – mai) and the Movement “Uniti per unire”, S.E. Nassif Youssef Hitti, Ambassador of Arab League in Italy, his Vice Zouheir Zouairi, the Prof. Michele Capasso, President of RIDE – Italian Network for Euro Mediterranean Dialogue and the Plenipotentiary Enrico Granara, Coordinator of Multilateral Activies for Mediterranean and Middle East at Ministry for Foreigner Affairs gathered together on 02 July .
This is the crucial point for the establishment of dialogue between knowledge.

In the aftermath of the recent adhering of Amsi, Co-mai, and “Uniti per Unire” to RIDE, the Ambassador Nassif Youssef Hitti, the Prof. Foad Aodi and Prof. Michele Capasso, identified in public health, culture, art and sport “those universal languages which bond and not divide”, as declared by Prof. Aodi, in the belief of fostering in this way the increase of social and inclusive tendencies.The RIDE, established in 2013 in order to unify the Italian CSO’S that are mostly engaged in intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area through Anna Lindh Foundation (with headquarters in Alexandria) is engaged in the work done by Amsi, Co-mai, and “Uniti per unire” in the research of new spaces and impress new nourishment to the dialogue activities and encounter between all the CSO’s working in the Mediterranean. The RIDE is supported by the twenty years of experience of Fondazione Mediterraneo (FM), established in Naples by Arch. Capasso, as exponent of civil society of the Mediterranean. The most important proof of the twenty years of FM is the new MAMT – Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Tradition. The MAMT takes place in the same building of FM, in the heart of Naples, and is a cornerstone of the collaboration between Arab League and the above mentioned association. Inside this multimedia Museum, different cultures met in an harmonious way respect of Mediterranean traditions, in a passionate research of union between the differencies. For this reason, the MAMT has been recognized “national heritage” by UNESCO, defined “emotional museum” by its director Irina Bokova, after her visit. “We transfer in MAMT a collection of emotions, and traditions which has different origin and belonging. In this challenge we have the contribution of AMSI, COMAI, and “Uniti per Unire” , which become new members of RIDE. We hope to sign an agreement between the Ambassador of Arab League in Italy in a short time, in order to strenghten our partnership with ALECSO – Teaching, Cultural and Scientific Organization of Arab League. The MAMT becomes day by day richer thanks to different contributions stated by Prof. Michele Capasso.