2015 (EN)

CREA and PONTES associations, along with Fondazione Mediterraneo organized a meeting about the political weight of Tunisians in Italy.
As the association Pontes-Uniurb points out, the vote of Tunisians in Italy has been analysed by the scholars as the expression of a cross- border idea of citizenship in order to investigate the exercise of the right to vote in the Mediterranean migration context.
For the first time, the vote of Tunisians in Italy has been subjected to an official monitoring, organized by Pontes association and commissioned by the Ministry in charge of Tunisians elections (ISIE).
Joined the initiative the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Euro-Mediterranean University, Fondazione Mediterraneo, Jean Monnet on the Rights of Migrants in the Mediterranean, the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Lifelong Learning of online university Pegaso.
Took the floor the members of Pontes – Uniurb which was in charge of the research.