2014 (EN)

Fondazione Mediterraneo, and his president, the architect Michele Capasso and the dear departed member of Executive Board the architect Vittorio di Pace, supported from the beginning the work done by prof. Corrado Beguinot –chairmember of Della Rocca Foundation–in order to solve the crises lived by contemporary cities. On the 31 october of 2014, at United Nations in New York - at the presence of General Secretary Ban Ki-moon - spokepersons from different Countries- among which there were China, Canada, etc. –subscribed the italian proposal (unique in the world) which aims to establish an international NGO (with a branch also in Naples) for the realization of a project which intend to solve “Cities Crises” (after the individuation of causes, reliefs and initiatives) done by Della Rocca Foundation which, as soon as possible, will realize a “Poster” and a contest addressed to youngs from different continents.