2014 (EN)

From 26-29 October 2014, the XIIIth Meeting of Heads of the ALF National Networks was held in Naples. As Head of the Italian Network, President Capasso participated for the Fondazione Mediterraneo while Elisa Adorno presented the Istituto Paralleli del Nord Ovest

At this event, the following themes were discussed.

  • Objectives and Strategies 2015-2017
  • Development of Networks

Among others, the members discussed the Arab Spring and the role that the National Networks can play. President Michele Capasso suggested developing joint actions to valorize immigrants to give greater visibility to young people on the south shore of the Mediterranean and events in Naples ALF+10.
Unanimous judgment by the President Azoulay, Director of Claret and participants for their hospitality and for the quality of the work.

Previous Meetings