2013 (EN)

The Honorary President of the Fondazione Caponnetto,Elisabetta Caponnetto – the widow of the Judge and founder of the “pool” – received the “2013 Raffaele Capasso Mediterranean Award for Legality, which consists in a replica of the “Totem for Peace” by Mario Molinari.
Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari were attending on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, while Salvatore Càlleri and other members of the Fondazione Caponnetto attended on behalf of their organization. Elisabetta expressed her joy for this prestigious acknowledgment stating that “the work of her husband had not been in vain, because of people like President Capasso, who continue to dedicate their lives to legality and the Common Good”.
On that occasion, Pia Molinari gave Mrs Caponnetto the “Totem for Peace” by Mario Molinari, which she place among her most treasured mementos of her husband.

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Mario Molinari

Totem for Peace

The Fondazione Caponnetto

The Mediterranean Award

Med News