The first day of the "MED BLUE ECONOMY" International Conference organized by CISE, the Italian Confederation for Economic Development, in collaboration with the Campania Region and, among others, the Fondazione Mediterraneo took place at the Royal Court Theater of Naples.
Speakers: the President of the Campania Region Enzo De Luca, Giuseppe Romano, president of CISE, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Salvatore Forte, President of Consorzio Industriale Sud Pontino, Raffaella Pignetti, President of Consortium ASI Caserta, Danilo Iervolino, President of the Mercatorum University, the presidents of the Professional Orders of Naples and the diplomatic representatives of various countries. Moderator the journalist of the TGR Massimo Calenda.
Promoting the internationalization of Italian companies in the Mediterranean: this is the primary objective of the Med Blue Economy, the event taking place in Naples: the third stage, after Valletta and Tunis, in the 'three days' (from 14 to 16 February 2018), hosted the presentation of projects aimed at launching investments and attracting foreign capital, but above all assisting companies willing to expand in some key Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Malta and Tunisia.
The Director General of CISE ing. Salvartore Puca illustrated the pilot project of the PON Legality 2014/20 "ASI cura", which sees the Naples Consortium as the implementing entity to ensure the safety of industrial areas; a project worth 92 million euros and involving five southern regions, with the effective participation of Eurispes and Universitas Mercatorum.
The president Capasso carried out an intervention on the importance of constituting and strengthening a coalition of "shared values ​​and interests".
Numerous members of the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus participated.