All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The presentation of the book "Le Vie della ProCreazione sono infinite...o quasi" (LFA publisher) by Fabio Perricone was held at the Museum of Peace.
Speakers included:

  • Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the United States of the World;;
  • Titta Fiore, Journalist and President of the Film Commission;
  • Christian Capriello, Writer;
  • Valeria Iacobacci, Writer;
  • Nicola Clemente; Director Napoli Today;
  • Ilaria Mennozzo, Journalist;
  • Carlo Alviggi, Head Endocrinologist of Reproduction and Oncofertility University Federico II.

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The Board of the AIP - Italian Association of Psychologists - met at the premises of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace. On this occasion, the members of the Board were nominated "Standard Bearers" of the United States of the World.
On this occasion, Secretary-General Michele Capasso retraced the steps that transformed Gustavo Rol's idea into reality.

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During a visit to the United States of the World headquarters in Naples, Lucia Lo Palo - president of ARPA LOMBARDIA, an agency that protects the environment - signed the "Kimiyya" poster for women's rights.
The document, signed by more than 140 million women around the world, was signed by leading women engaged in various sectors as proof of the indispensable role of women in safeguarding the Earth and building Peace.
Lucia Lo Palo - who has always been dedicated to protecting the Environment - is committed to this.

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Lucia Lo Palo and Luigi Crespi visited the Naples headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace MAMT, an emotional heritage of humanity.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso, they visited the main emotional itineraries, stopping at the Churchill Hall, Don Diana, Raffaele Capasso, the Great Mosque, the Chapels dedicated to John Paul II, Padre Pio, Mother Mazzarello and Don Giovanni Bosco, Pino Daniele and all the rooms dedicated to the United States of the World.
At the end of the visit, a collaboration was hoped for to affirm the inalienable values of the United States of the World. Luigi Crespi dedicated to President Capasso his recent book "THE SPIN DOCTOR. MEMOIRS OF MY SEVEN LIVES PLUS ONE".

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