The Totem of Peace by Mario Molinari symbol for the Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Vesuvio and Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Parks.

On the 18th of September the Totem of Peace by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari was handed “symbolically" from the President of the Cilento Park Amilcare Troiano and the mayor of Rutino Michele Voria to the President of the Vesuvio Park Ugo Leone and the mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio Giuseppe Capasso during a solemn ceremony in the Council Room of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio

On this occasion, the unveiling of the monumental work Totem of Peace took place in San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, placed on a 40 ton molten rock in front of the Municipality Hall.

Symbolically, the Totem of Peace was given to the mayor of Pescasseroli Nunzio Finamore, where the work will be unveiled on the 29th of September in the presence of delegates from many countries participating in Europarc 2010.

On this occasion the ceremony for the Mediterranean Award "Raffaele Capasso" for Legality to the memory of Angelo Vassallo, mayor of Pollica brutally murdered on the 5th of September, took place and the award was given to the deputy-mayor Stefano Pisani.

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